A year full of disaster, a
bad economy, crime, and mass craziness. The summer of 2009 was extremely long feeling and was the craziest part of the year. 2009 was the most fun year that has ever happened so far. Also the summer of
09 was extremely filled with
hip hop culture and gave off urban vibes.
2009: Early 2009: (starting at January 09, ending at late February 09) Economy gets worse, Barack Obama takes presidency. Hip Hop culture, Rock, and most music except for country and pop is not doing well.
2009: Mid 2009: (starting Mid March 09, ending at May 09) economy contnues to suck, Hip Hop and rock culture begins to get more popular. Urban culture begins to spread.
2009:Summer 0f 09 ( Starting June 09, ending in mid August 09 though today is still pretty much the same) Undoubtedly the craziest part of 2009. Economy is shit, crime rates spike, Alot of
stuff happens in Los Angeles and New York City,
Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson die on the same day, June 25, 2009, Hip Hop is extremely widespread and popular, street and urban culture somewhat spreads to areas surrounding urban areas', and much, much more happens. The summer of 09 was certainly very colorful' (and somewhat flashy) and influenced the culture of the west
coast's and especially the
East coast's summers and was also the best summer yet.