Define 3l33t Meaning

prounounced: "elite"

3l33t is a jargon word used widely by the highly intellectual, or post-pubescent teens to make a statement about your computer knowledge or "skillz" see w00t

(*in a irc chat room*)
hey 0wns you're 3l33t have some m@d skillz
i know ...i know.
By Blondell
3l33t, 3133+, or other derivitives thereof: Hacker/ gamer/ computer nerd text language used in many computer savy circles.

A: 4, B: 8, C: (, D: |), E: 3, F: F, G: G, H: |-|, I: !, J: J, K: |

$p33|< 3133+?
Y3$, ! U|\||)3R$+4|\||) J00.
+H!$ !$ |\/|Y 3|\|+RY 4 3133t !|\| UR84|\||)!(+!0|\|4Ry.(0|\/|

By Leda
3l33t type, also know as 7eet, 3733t, or h4x0r, is regularly modified and used by people with high intelligence, or people where time means nothing to them. Here is a breif alphabet of all the letters in the DMK (Me) h4x0|^ alphabet

a=4 , b=b, c=|< (On kicking k sounds :-P) d=d, e=3, f=|=, g=g, h=h, i=1, j=j, k=|

"|=|^0|\/| |-h3 4b0\/3 y0u sh0u7d b3 4b73 |-o \/\/0|^|< 0u7 \/\/h4|- |-h1s s3z"
By Missie
a word invented by a bunch of wannabees who wanted to do something cool

(wit a lisp) i am quite possibly the most 3l33t counter stirke player on the worldwide network. well of course that only theoretically *snort*snort*
By Jaynell