An acronym is maybe one of the most, if not THE most common yet most useless part of texting people love to use. Why so useless? There are probably some 500,000 different
acronyms that have been developed so far mainly by untaught idiots who are too lazy to use
proper English and, to make it worse, are being used multiple times every second, which is unbelievably frustrating for almost every person, which would explain why people are sometimes forced to search whatever
needless acronym the person they are currently chatting with up on the fucking Internet in order to keep up. And even if every person knew every single acronym out there, it would still remain so useless, in fact, chaotic, since proper English would be dead in seconds considering how much people text every minute.
Me: Why are you in your T-shirt in the middle of December?
Random kid: Btw idgaf so
gtfo noob
Me: Dafuq? Are you using fucking acronyms again?
Random kid: Ofc. now go kys
mfing 1st
gr8er lmao
Me: Are you kidding me? You don't know how to speak shit properly so SHUT UP.
Random kid: NO U
Me: -.-