Define Adhd Meaning

Something you should be looking up on Wikipedia or a medical website, not urban dictionary.

By Maria
ADHD stands for attention deficit somethingk. Hey! I spelled something wrong. Haha. Hey look a squirrel. Wait, what am I doing here again? Omigawd my elbow itches. Wonder what's on tv? I like Jennifer Lopez. I hate kumquats. I really love urbandictionar.....where was I again?

Hey! I don't have ADH...*loses interest, chases after a bird*
By Glory
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, the most over diagnosed and at the same time unrecognized disorder of 'em all. Most kids who are diagnosed with it, don't have it they just don't have parents that parent them. So they get prescriptions when they feel like focusing, but then the kids who really do have it have to pop pills every morning to normal out and when they forget too and try and apologize, people don't take them seriously cause of all the fake kids with it.

Billy must have ADHD because he can never focus
No ma'am, you just need to limit his mountain dew.
By Lebbie
Scientifically known as AD/HD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), there are three types:
1)The predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type
2)The predominantly inattentive type
3)The combined type
The term ADD is a term that has circulated the media which has the same meaning, but generally applies only to the predominatly inattentive type.
The proven causes of AD/HD are low glucose levels in the brain and genetic factors (inheritance via a family member).
The most effective treatments of AD/HD are medications such as Adderall and Ritalin. Diet changes may also help, but cannot be guaranteed (changing diet to fish oils and fatty acids).
Finally, AD/HD is a legitamate disorder and to say otherwise is complete and utter bullshit, not to mention an opinion supported by backward old farts who still spank their children.

If you are consistently restless and/or have trouble paying attention in class on a regular basis, chances are you have AD/HD!
By Libbi
A condition that's largely misunderstood by both the general public and the medical community.

It labels a set of observable behavior patterns, primarily involving short attention spans, but there's a great deal of controversy about causes. Some researchers have discovered differences in brain activity in ADHD patients. But they've been unable to say whether they're merely looking at the affect of a behavior difference on the brain or a cause.

What we do know is this-- ADHD has become the "go to" excuse used by both parents and teachers unwilling to impose & teach discipline to their children and students. It is also a multi-million dollar windfall for the Ciba-Geigy pharmaceutical company

Teacher: "Mark has been acting out in class. I can't get him to focus on his work."
Parent: "Not my precious Mark. But he's my little genius!"
Teacher: "Then, it must be ADHD. Just ask your family doctor to prescribe Ritalin. Have in throw in some Xanax for you, too. Parenting a child with ADHD is bound to cause you anxiety."
By Marin
known as ADHD...or attention defficite hyperactivity disorder. i myself was diagnosed in second grade. it is commonly treated to boys and is harder for girls to be diagnosed. i have been on concerta(which is like ridalin but i only have to take it once a day). i hate being off my medicine because i fidget, i cant concentrate, or write anything without ending up drawing like unicorns or whatever on the paper;)...but dont think ADHD is this big bad disorder...because trust me nobody knows u have it unless u tell them. oh and this isnt a deffintion its more like a....ummmmm a ummmmm personal story or whatever.

I have had ADHD for most of my life, and im still a really cool person!
By Dyanna
the ability to think of a bazillion things at once but never able to consentrate on just one leaving the person in a constant state of bliss so that you are never doing the right thing at the right time.

this is a fun learning game i have a fun vidio game hey one time i had a vido game named crash bandacoot wait the main charicter was an animal and i saw a bear at the zoo once the zoo has good food and one time at thanksgiving my grandma was there old pople are nice, o im sorry teacher i dident hear the question i had an adhd moment
By Fayre
ADHD stands for Attention Defiecy Hyperactivity Disorder so basically they cant stay still or concentrate on someting for a long time

'Yeh Yeh dats cool, U no wats better, actually wats better than that,o wait looks there's a plane. How do they stay in the air? What do clouds do? Y u lookin at me like dat? No I don't have no adhd wateva da hell dat is' All said in 1 breath
By Laurianne
attention deficit hyper-activity disorder is a commonlly found disorder in children and adults. this is to much energy in the persons body and they person is bouncing off the walls or panicing alot this disorder can be cured by many drugs inclusing adderall ridalin strattra the list goes on and on

adhd is not an excuse for idiots and the was a very mean thing to say because every family has atleast one adhd person and it could be you
By Lizette
A disorder related to hyperactivity and distraction.

I have it, and I know I'm not an expert. I'm just saying, I speak from experience when I say it's freaking hard to get one thing done all at once. You usually get distracted by something else, and then eventually come back to that first task.
This doesn't mean you can't get something done, it just means that work typically takes a lot longer because you're inclined to go look something up or do something RIGHT that second. Hell, I'm procrastinating right now making this definition when I'm supposed to be doing biology homework.

I shouldn't even have to acknowledge these people, but to everyone who thinks that all people with ADHD are stupid are seriously wrong. Most people with ADHD are gifted.

Sometimes when you go out to night parties after your meds have worn off, you act hyper without noticing it. But it's fun hyper, not annoying hyper. At least that's what my friends tell me ;)
Anyway, sometimes the next day when you're on your meds again, you just remember glimpses of the previous night because everything was a big distracting, stimulating blur.
Oh, "ADHD". my example has to include the word apparently.
By Terrye