1)A word that
URBANDICTIONARY.COM uses as the confirmation button sometimes when you vote
thumbs up or down.
2)The way i took up saying "alright",
not knowing that it was already being used as a 'hip' or 'kewl' way to say al right... I was just out there half-assin' it... oh well
Lil' bro: C'mon man! Why can't you take me to the skate park?
Me: Shut the
SHIBBY up! I told you already. Your stupid skaterass friends think they're all
shibby with their damn sellout BAM shirts and shit... and I personally don't want to put you, another customer for that damned skatepark, out there for that damned place to
suk up you fuckin money. Besides, I'm tired, bored, lazy and I'm gonna
halfass my self thru the day... (here it comes)... ... ... Aight?