Define Almost Meaning

coulda, shoulda, woulda didn't. you should have fwapped that.

well i almost-
"BULLSHIT. yer such a pussy!"
By Anna
The Almost

The Almost's album Southern Weather is out in stores now!
By Drusy
Almost There
The act or state of being near to completion, as in orgasm or a long road trip or even used in surgeryology (the study of words used during a surgery)

"I'M ALMOST THERE!!!", "Were almost there.", "I'm almost there."
By Blanche
When something is more almost than another something.

Oh well it's almost St-Patties Day, but it's almoster Friday!
By Dacy
A word that doesn’t count except for with grenades.

You should’ve did it. You would’ve did it. You almost did it. But guess what? You didn’t do it.

They almost made it. Therefore they didn’t.

They are almost there. Therefore they aren’t.

They could almost reach. Therefore they can’t.
By Evanne
Not quite; close to reaching a certain point.

Willy was almost ready to leave, but remembered that he needed to get his shoes shined.
By Dari
Failed potential.

To come to the brink of something beautiful but just fall short of it.

By Adrianne
A song by Bowling for Soup That I would say almost everyone could relate to.

I aaallllmost had you,
but I guess that doesn't cut it.
I aaallllmost had you,
and I didn't even know it.
You kept me guessin'
and now I'm destined
to spend my time missin' you.
I almost wish you would've loved me too.
By Caril
A word that doesn't count except in horseshoes, hand grenades, and goverment work. (Also associated with the words, "close," "nearly," and "just about.")

We almost made it.

I almost won the powerball.
By Bebe
The Almost
A person who cannot complete a full repetition of a task. One who is incapable of success of the smallest amounts. One who cannot find a spot in life to call his place.

Tell The Almost to go back to collecting movies.
By Leontine