Define Analysis Meaning

A special form of telekenesis that targets and inflicts pain to one's anus.

I was about to steal the Tide from the store, but Mr. T came in and used his analysis on me and stole it first. I walked funny for a week.
By Quentin
How your boss decides important things:
As explained by Scott Adams, analysis comes from the root word ANAL and the greek word YSIS, meaning "to pull numbers from."

"I'll do an ANALYSIS and determine your next raise."
By Rebecca
Analysis comes from anal (of the ass) and the ysis part correlates to kidney dialysis, in which bad stuff is removed from the body. So "analysis" would pretty much mean "talking out of one's ass."

You can't spell analysis without anal
By Wynnie
Analysis is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts.

It has nothing to do with a disease of the anal.

The analysis of the man led to many discoveries.
By Belle
When someone gives an answer or makes an observation, of an object, event or situation that has happened or could happen, covered in very good detail.

As Dani, Hassan and Leo were having a conversation, Dani was secretly trying to convince hassan to buy something from him, Leo spots this then tells the others of this observation which he has made. This is 'Analysys mode'.

Dani comes into the house, pretending he is in a bad mood, while sitting and talking to Leo, Hassan picks up on Dani's movements and actions, he then analyzed the situation, then says Dani was faking the bad mood. This is analysis mode
By Pauline
A stupid assignment that teachers and profs will give to you in an attempt to make you smarter.

"Please turn in the analysis at the end of the class period, and remember, it's all to make you smarter!"

-My AP lang teacher.
By Sheela
Adv. The act of being a douche

especially: The act of douche baggery that involves the invention of words.

"Justin Seward was getting all analysy and shit, making up words again."
By Phoebe
Kowalski Analysis
When something doesn't make sense, so you need to analyze it further and figure out wtf it means.

When you install AdBlock but all the hot singles in your area disappear.
Kowalski analysis.
By Arabel
Analysis Paralysis
When someone thinks about doing something so much that they actually end up doing nothing at all. All thought no action

He was so confused on his project that he have himself Analysis paralysis and did even get started.
By Aliza
Analysis Paralysis
Analysis Paralysis is the total inability to reach a decision. Found often in the business and corporate setting. Usually a condition caused by nit picking managers and owners. The primary source is management/owner requests for more information, reports, studies, statistics, evaluations, opinion, and research on a subject. All of this requested research and study is accompanied by endless, mindless, discussions in multiple meetings regarding the subject and the compiled information. The end result is no decision is made because the efforts placed to garner information and hold endless meetings and discussions are viewed a progress on the subject matter.

Hey did management ever decide if we were going to get extra donuts on donut day? Are you kidding me? They spent $2,000 on a cost analysis, accounting is still crunching cost figures and they have been discussing it for 9 months. It is in the company's usual state of total analysis paralysis.
By Glennis