How you feel when one of the following things happens:
- No internet
- No food
- Not invited to best friend's birthday party
- Alarm goes off
- Alarm doesn't go off
- I failed to come up with another thing to write
- You have homework
- You're sick
- Somebody hated on your fandom
- You're
going to jail
- You said something disrespectful about your superior and they heard it
You died because of the previous reason
- You forgot to
eat breakfast and have no money for lunch
- Your favorite political candidate doesn't win
- Your favorite celebrity just did something horrible and is going to jail for the next seven years
- You broke your mirror
- You fell into your friend's
cat's litterbox
- Your friend ships you with your worst enemy
- Your friend ships you with your previous crush
- You were listening to music and your headphones were
- Everybody hates you because they disagree with your music taste
- I haven't run out of reasons for you to be annoyed
Your pet eats you
- Your pet dies because it didn't have food and was kind enough to not eat you
- Your definition was rejected
- I didn't finish this se- OH LOOK A BUTTERFLY!
- There are too many links here
- Most of the previous reasons were trolls
- Your favorite character has undergone some serious personality changes between the sequel and the original
- All of the previous reasons to be annoyed happened to you in the last hour
- So did the ones that come after this reason
- You have been thrown through a
glass window
- Your 100000000000000000 dollar check just fell into
the shredder
The shredder fell through the floor into the center of the Earth
- Your friend told your crush
- No, I am not bitter
- A YouTube ad came up while you were watching a video
- Your computer thinks its funny to shut down right when you are doing something important and haven't saved for the last 4 hours
- You are being stalked
- Your stalker is not allowed at your friend's birthday party, so you can't go
- You swallowed your toothbrush
- You ran over a skunk with your car
- Your favorite YouTuber or celebrity just died
- Your other favorite YouTuber or celebrity killed them
- A criminal recently broke into your house and took your pet, your wallet, and your car
- They also took your locked safe.
- You didn't think anybody would just take the whole safe
- You were wrong.
- The periods at the end of my sentences are inconsistent.
- Your phone died
- So did your fish.
- So did your beautiful front lawn
- Somebody just
pulled one of those elevator jokes on you
- You made a
powerpoint presentation should have been a group project all by yourself.
- They didn't like it, so you had start from scratch
- This is not a link to anywhere
- The Earth might explode tomorrow
- This list is over