Define Argument Meaning

Where 2 or more people verbally fight over something. Chances of situation ending up in divorce, manslaughter and murder are high.

a) -"I've had enough of you!"
"Oh yea?"
"Yea! I want a divorce!"

b) -"I hate the way you keep on screwing my sister! Especially since we just got married last night!"
"You're pissing me off bitch! *punches, kicks, stabs*
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Mindy!"

c) "Oh yea? You think our son should grow up being a Catholic? We'll see!"
*plots devious plan before stabbing husband to death the next day*
By Courtney
a. Something a man can never win against a woman, even if he somehow wins.

b. Something women always win against men, mainly due to their trump card of resorting to screaming when logic fails.

a. I'd say just don't try arguing with females; give up and save your breath, cuz you're not going to win. If you did get into an argument, immediately admit defeat.

b. Logic is irrelevant when a guy argues with a girl, especially if the guy actually has a good point...
By Odette
The process by which two people repeat the same two conflicting opinions whilst elevating vocal amplitude to falsely assume either of the opinions is correct.

"I am right."
"You are wrong."
"I AM right."
-ad infinitum.
By Dulcy
a relationship can be defined as an argument;conversation, disagreement,talk, communication
differences in opinions mean you have to listen to the other party and accept their opinion or learn to live with it by being open minded and reaching a compromise regarding the topic of the argument.

I have just had an argument with my boyfriend about what the phrase 'no comment means'.
He does not want to comment on a subject that is important to me. I hate having an argument over something like that..i'm going to call him and make up
By Letisha
A verbal disagreement between 2 (or more) people, in which each person attempts to convince the other that they are correct. Usually results in neither person changing their view on the matter, which begs the question:

What purpose does it serve to have an argument when you know you won't change their opinion, and they know you won't change yours?

None, you idiot. There is no purpose in having an argument, besides entertainment to those around you for 5 minutes, before the spectators realize you are both just repeating your points raising your voices each time. Stop arguing, its a waste of time and energy.

Having an argument is pointless
By Mitzi
A discussion that occurs in which I'm right, but he/she/they haven't realized it yet.

I get into an argument with .
By Jacquenette
Verbal disagreement between 2+ parties. An argument contains repeated presentations of conflicting views/opinions, along with added facts and logic to support the original statements.

Some argue that there can, theoretically, be an argument consisting of one person (some kind of internal conflict), but pah!, this is just a mulling process- a natural part of making any decision.

The argument started out friendly, but after I was no longer able to mediate between the two parties, it evolved into a fist/foot/food-fight.
By Genny
fond of or given to argument and dispute; disputatious; contentious.

The law students were an unusually argumentative group.
By Edy
the exact same as arguing but for idiots that can't speak

Zach and Tori have finally stopped argumenting
By Irita
to argue in a friggen hot way.

Sam is a very argumentative person, especially towards Kendra.
By Theresa