A professional babysitter. A part time psychologist. One who has a developed sense of seeing through the bullshit. Someone you are most likely NOT taking home, so do your bartender a favor and don't ask! Remember, she is getting paid to flirt with you and being HOT is part of the requirement of her job!! A
professional bullshitter. Someone with a real sense of fun and can probably
drink you under the table. A person with a dangerous
turning point who can rip you to shreds with a few pointed sentences if necessary. A part time security guard. I may be cute but will kick your drunk ass if I have to!!
Drunk: "You're hot."
Bartender: "Thanks, you're not to bad yourself."
Drunk: "You got all kinds of booty girl!"
Bartender: politely smiles
Drunk: "We should go out sometime."
Bartender: (after tab is paid of course) "No thanks
I like pussy." (In other words: You are wasted,
I am sober, I have witnessed you hit on every girl in this bar and will not be your
last resort to get laid. No thanks drunk guy..)