Define Bi Meaning

A person with significant attraction and desire for both sexes, both sexually and romantically. (The desire for the two sexes is not necessarily equal.)

Being bi does NOT imply confusion, wanting/having more than one partner, or participation in wild sex orgies.

Short for bisexual.

Emmet is bi; he recently broke up with his girlfriend Tori and is now has a boyfriend named Alex.
By Carline
A shortened version of the word bisexual.

Bisexuals have twice as much fun.
By Carline
short for bisexual bi means you like both genders... people are gay GET OVER IT KAREN

I think i bi
By Dierdre
Bi people are attracted to both girls and guys. The attraction is romantic as well as sexual. It is a full relationship with deep feelings.

The word bi is from bisexual which is just too long and not nearly as cool, lol.

There are many bi myths like that they cannot be loyal or are confused which is untrue. Being loyal is a choice anybody can make, bi, straight, gay, lesbian, or whatever. And they are not confused, not anymore then anybody else.

There is a difference between bisexual (or bi) and bi-curious also. Bi-curious is only being curious about what it would be like to be with somebody of the same sex. Bisexuals are not curious (well not in that way). They know who they are attracted to.

Grace is a girl and has a girlfriend named Angelina. She loves Angelina and is only with her. Now if they ever broke up then being that Grace is bi she could either have another girlfriend or a boyfriend. But her and Angie are good together.

Even if Grace marries Angelina she doesn't turn into a lesbian, she is still bi.
By Carola

I'm glad I'm not bi. I couldn't stand being rejected by both men and women.
By Marice
1. A bisexual individual.
2. A net slang term for "Bye" or "Good-bye".

1. "I like guys and girls, so I'm bi."
2. "G2G bi!"
By Maddie
1. prefix that means two
2. the state of being attracted sexually to both males and females

1. Bicycle- has 2 wheels
2. Some call Tina greedy, but she's just bi; she enjoys sex with both males and females.
By Vicky
a person that is attracted to both genders

I'm bi.
By Vanna
Liking guys and girls, swinging both ways. However, amongst the scene kids it has become a way to be edgy. Like you're more straight edge or emo because you like to kiss everyone.

GirlA: Hi, I'm new to this school, you look cool and edgy.
GirlB: Yeah...
GirlA: I'm edgy too! Let's be miserable friends together
GirlB: Prove it, and i will.
GirlA: I'm Bi, and it's edgy
GirlB: Whoa, let's makeout.
By Datha
Bisexual immediately doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night.

Girl: Want to go a see movie tonight?
Boy A: Sorry I can't.
Girl: Thats alright.

Girl: Want to go see a movie tonight, I'm bi.
Girl A: Sure, lets just go sit in the back.

By Ivette