Define Big Gay Meaning

Big Gay
when u hittin it from behind but ur homie dont say no homo
youve contracted the gay

"bro, u got that big gay from kyle last friday"
By Alvera
Big Gay
When someone or something deep down inside you is a tumour. A word that people have used for thousands of years threw there journeys and threw there destiny and succeeding by saying " Hey buddy. your mom.. have big gay

we wish and cherish you with big gay . your mom have ultra big gay
By Kylie
Big Gay
the only way to be the big gay is to have a four hundred-some. with all guys. just guys. i’m a big gay. i am the big gay. shane dawson is probably the big gay too. do you have the big gay? but yeah it’s the lesser version of the mega gay. the other way of getting the big gay is by working hard enough. to get boners whenever you see guys.

shane: that guy’s cute. *gets big gay*
By Tory
Big Gay
the biggest of gays, no one even if they try very hard can escape this kind of gay

doctor: im sorry but you have the big gay
man: i see "commits suicide because he doesn't want to live with big gay"
By Happy
Big Gay
this word will be something or someone deep down inside you is a tumor. this earth's crust and cracks have been cause from the commotion and the extraordinary words of wisdom from the gods of us saying hey buddy. Yeah your mom.. ..have.. big gay

we wish and cherish you with big gay. your mom have ultra big gay
By Dorella
Big Gay
the words have many meanings, but the best way to define the words would be Matthew Marceau and Wiktor Pajak

Look at those big gays over there.
By Marcie
The Big Gay
A state of being when one is the biggest amount of gay possible.

By Gayel
Big Gay
You can't be a big gay only THE big gay. You are the gayest of the gays. It requires years of training to become the Big Gay as you need to be a huge nonce and have at least 300 snapchat streaks that you are dedicated to keeping

By Almira
The Big Gay
A term used for a massive homosexual. If they are really fucking queer, you tell them they have the big gay. Is not gender specific, nor targeted to only people. If you stub your toe on a coffee table, you can say it's got the big gay

Tezza - "Oi cunt, I bet you kiss girls."
Warren - "I do not kiss girls!" "Oh fuck."
Tezza - "You have the big gay my nigga."
By Alisha
The Big Gay
What your friends have but you know you dont

After playing fortnite for too long, NBA player Ben Simmons got the big gay
By Amy