Define Broken Hearted Meaning

Broken Hearted
The worst thing you could ever do to someone. It's a feeling of love, hate, depression, anger, & anxiety all at once. It's the feeling that puts you in a state you cannot escape. You can't get over him/her/them. You love him/her/them. But you hate them for what they did to you. You want him/her/them back so badly, you just want to kiss or hug or cuddle with or talk to him/her/them without starting another argument. And your friends try to help you out, say that it's all their fault and that you should get over him/her/them. But you can't. The reminder of what you had with him/her/them makes you upset just thinking about it. You could be crying about it for days. Weeks. Months. Years, maybe. You can't get over it. He/She/They has/have broken your heart. Ripped it into a bunch of tiny pieces like a paper shredder.

"Hey, why is Sammy so upset today?"

"She got dumped by George, and now she's broken hearted. Don't talk to her about it. It'll make her more upset."
By Bridgette
Broken Hearted
How you feel when the person that you love just wakes up one day and decides that "Hey, I'm gonna dump her/him today." And you just can't help but think that it's your fault, even when it really isn't, and you feel depressed and mad at the world. Therefore, you turn to any person around you for support. And since you're not over the person you love, you expect the "Oh, he'll go back out with you" speech. But NO! They think you're over him like that, and they go to the "He's an asshole, you deserve better" speech. But you want them back so badly, its not even funny.

I fell in love with him, but now, I'm just broken hearted. It feels like that relationship was worth nothing to him.
By Adriaens
Broken Hearted
To be overwhelmed with disappointment and grief from a boyfriend,girlfriend,friend,etc.

Sally was broken hearted when she found out John cheated on her.
By Junia
Broken Heart
When the one you love looks at you differently, and you notice that he doesn't love you anymore. You can't help but cry and be angry at the world. Your friends try to say "it will all get better in time" but you just want to yell at them "NO IT WONT! IT NEVER WILL" Its a pain that wont escape you. And for a while, life as you know it will have ended.

"Why can't you just stop thinking about it and follow your heart?"

"Because... he broke my heart!"

"Somebody call 911, theres a girl with a broken heart"
By Fidela
Broken Heart
its agony, complete excrusating agony,

its like your heart was ripped out of your chest and stomped on and you cant breathe,

you dont wanna eat you cant function its the most intense pain you'll ever feel and the worst part is theres no way to relieve it its unhealding torture but only time...

There was no way to heal my broken heart.
By Carmencita
Broken Heart
When you fall so hard for someone,, and they fall for you. They say your gonna be together for ever but one day they decide that they don't like you anymore. You think everything is fine,, but than BAM. They dump you. No hesitation. its a pain thats hard to get over. Especially when you were truly were in love with them,, and their the reason you cry yourslef to sleep every night.

" I have a Broken Heart,, ill never love someone more than i loved them
By Lurette
Broken Heart
when someone who's had a million good reasons to take care of your heart but decides to throw it away like it was nothing.

She's given up on love because of too many Broken Hearts.
By Midge
Broken Heart
Is when a guy/girl takes your heart. Slams it on the ground and smashes it into pieces. Whether he/she knows it or not. After you can't help but feel empty and depressed and you'll probably end up crying alone in some room while the guy/girl, knowing you're hurt or not, lives his life perfectly normal once again.

Girl- I like you a lot
Guy- oh uhm sorry I don't like you...uh bye

Best friends- What's wrong girl?
Girl- He broke my heart, I have a broken heart.
Best friend- :( *pat pat*
By Cariotta
Broken Heart
When your in agony and you just feel broken in despair and like nothing is right anymore when you cared so much for that special person and then they break your heart the feeling is horrible it feels like every time you think about them your heart actually hurts and you feel like you can't breath because of what they did to you .

Girl: grab a plate and throw it on the floor
Girl:did it break?
Girl:say sorry to it

Guy:I did
Girl:did it go back to the way it was
Guy:Not it's still broken
Girl:do you understand now
Guy:no lol
Girl:thats what you did to me you left me with a broken heart💔.
By Mady
Broken Heart
Broken Heart - When all the wonderful things in life don't seem wonderful, funny is not as funny, flavours are flavourless, colours are colourless and all the the beauties in the world are not beautiful when you no longer have the person that touched your heart like no other could to share them with.

Sarah: Stacy, you haven't eaten in days..

Stacy: I have a broken heart Sarah, not an eating disorder
By Monica