Define Bunny Meaning

an often young, but not exclusively, male who's so inexperienced or so underendowed that his thrusting pace during sexual intercourse mimics that of a rabbit's during intercourse

that guy i met off okcupid was a total bunny, he was fucking so fast i thought he was trying to start a fire
By Josee
A small woodland creature often covered in fur but sometimes has no fur at all. this creature can jump as high as it wants. if you see a bunny in real life, do not attempt to catch it because it will just hop away and leave you depressed. Some major attacks used by a bunny would be "pounce" or "chomp". It's main weakness is Rockets and Atomic bombs. If you ever go to battle with one of these rodents make sure to be prepared!

Example 1
Steve - what a cute bunny
Bunny - *cluck cluck*
Steve - i guess it's time to find some rockets cause i've just engaged in a hostile situation with this small woodland creature who has fur but sometimes doesn't.
Narator - and so steve and the bunny fight to the death. however the bunny is to swift for such imbocilic tactics and comes out on top. he hops away to eat a carrot. steve remains dead for the rest of eternity.

Example 2
Wendy Chioji - This just in: a bunny has been spotted in the woods! how exciting.
Bob Opsal - Yes it is Wendy, yes it is.
By Maryl
a cute fuzzy animal that can be very dangerous if chased into a corner. will most likely protect it's self with nails and teeth. BEWARE THE BUNNY!

boy: aw what a cute bunny
bunny: *bites boy cuz got too close*
boy: ahhhhhhh!!!! mommy!!!!
By Aviva
A soft and gentle girl that wants to curl up in your lap and be loved. Typically bunnies are small in size, always very beautiful and smell nice. Bunnies are very loyal and devoted creatures to their mates. Always in need of affection but are always willing to give in return. They feel emotions on a level more than most of us will ever know and they love like no other.

If you are lucky enough to ever have a bunny in your life never let them go because you will probably never find another like them.

Bunny sitings are rare and should be treasured.

She smells like a bunny.

Look at how she curls up in his lap like a bunny.

My girlfriend Julie is a special bunny.
By Karola
A nicer, softer word for the female genitalia. A.k.a. pussy.

My gardener likes to give my bunny his carrot multiple times a day.
By Devonne
some little cute animal
always trying to run away when you trying to take a picture of it

The bunny tried to run away when I was taking a picture of it.
By Nertie
plural: bunnies

An adorable creature that looks cute but could harm you at any instant. Don't mess with bunnies. Otherwise know as soft little fluff balls. Some people believe that the fur of the unicorn bunny can grant immortality (actually no one believes that, there's no such thing). an adorable mol bean, much like Tom Holland.

Please realize that this definition is a joke.


( - .-)
O_('')('') Admit it, this bunny, is adorable...
By Zaria
1) a small ball of fluff that eats stuff and poops. 2) a nickname.

damn that bunny peed all over me!
By Josi
Code word used in the episode of Family Guy 'There's Something About Paulie' for gun

Mobster1: I would like to purchase a "bunny".
Mobster2: What kind of bunny, a semi automatic "bunny" or a hand held "bunny"?
Mobster1: Which ever "bunny" is better for shooting people in the head.
By Charlean
what some girls like to call their pussy.

girl 1: well, i'm going to go home and pet the bunny.
girl 2: see ya.
By Carilyn