Define Cell Phone Meaning

Cell Phone
A number you should NEVER EVER give to your boss.

By Dorree
Cell Phone
A device that popular teenage girls use to waste their parents' money.

Lisa talked to her boyfriend on her cell phone for 9 days without stopping. The call cost her parents $50,000.
By Sarita
Cell Phone
A small communication device that is very useful to the owner if it used right.

However, many people abuse this fact and multitask when they're driving and if they're doing work that requires monotasking.

An example of this? Just watch somebody driving and about 78% of the time you'll see someone blabbering away on a cell phone.
By Constantine
Cell Phone
A device for communicating with others needlessly. Day in. Day out. Whenever. Wherever. Good for holding up lines in stores, traffic, etc. Also the latest technology found in ghettos-overtaking the more common "boom box".

Typical cell phone conversation: Hey, where you at? I'm over here. Oh. What? I dunno. I'll be there in 5 seconds....oh wait I can see you! Hey! Whats up? Wait...let me call you back. Why? Huh? Can you here me? Guess what? My phone bill was only $90 this month. Etc.....
By Cherrita
Cell Phone
a leash or locating device

My parents called me on my cell phone to make sure I wasn't having sex.
By Myrta
Cell Phone
A device that everyone owns and bitches about, at the same time.

"That guy with the cell phone is so obnoxious for talking on this train...wait, I got call waiting! Can you hear me?! Can you hear me now?!!!!"
By Matti
Cell Phone
back when their primary use was calling, it was like torture to go anywhere because every 5 seconds a random phone would ring. now that people use their cell phones mostly for texting and web browsing, life is better, though it's still slightly annoying to see everyone looking down at their phones.

*ring* *beep beep* *rrriiiinnnng*
random guy: hi
other guy: How's it going
me: crap cant you people turn off your cell phones for once do you realise how annoying they are?!!

*complete silence*
me: aahhhhh finally...
guy looking up from phone: what'd you say?
By Doro
Cell Phone
A wireless mobile telephone. Works virtually the same as a standard land-line home phone, except it runs off of a batery and is wireless and receives signal from the numerous cell phone towers. Apart from a standard phone, these phones often include text messaging, ability to take pictures, browse the internet etc... very usefull and sometimes necessary (depending on your personal situation), especially if your on some nowheresville road and your car breaks down. PLEASE TURN OFF OR SET ON VIBRATE IN PLACES SUCH AS MOVIES/FUNERALS ETC... do not drive and talk unless you can actually do it competently, most people cant. some can.

By Wren
Cell Phone
something that way too many 12 year olds have. something that is nice to have, but is not a necessity for everyday life.

why do you need a cellphone. give people a chance to miss you.
By Blondell
Cell Phone
A completely portable and wireless phone which is supposed to be usable just about anywhere. In reality, though, these pieces of shit usually drop calls, fade in and out, or make the person on the other end sound like they are talking under water. However, people still love these phones because using them in public makes these insecure dumb fucks feel important. These irritating douchebags will usually raise their voice 2-3 times higher than their normal speaking voice so you can hear them from across the room easier than you can hear the person sitting next to you. They also turn the customizable ringtone (usually a 5 minute song) up as high as possible so everyone can hear it. (Putting the phone on vibrate doesn't let them feel important by announcing to the whole room that someone is calling.)

That douchebag in the library has been pissing me off by talking loud on his cell phone for half an hour. The next time his cell phone rings, it will be coming from inside his ass.
By Emilie