hist.: Chatter is a word first invented and brought to public through the
Bushism and collectively known as Bushism by George HW Bush.
1) Chatter was a code word that was used to describe the nomenclature for the intelligence gathering of many automated and human resourced activity for the purposes of monitor and collective intelligence gathering of those whom may be of actual intelligence.
2) Chatter is a word that was used to discern sentient life forms on planet earth in the beginning of the new millennium 2001 and on.
3) Chatter is used to describe the programing of noises and sounds that represents an input in sensory conditions to program a certain specific outcome such as those exhibited by the spygamen lecheminduroi.
4) Chatter is also a form of the modern language in the way that new words are developed to form the human condition of programming through the expansion of time and
manifest destiny.
5) Chatter is the cumulative speak that happens when random imaginary agents infiltrate the environment and
radioactivity occurs to excite the human mind outside of normal hallucinations.
Ex.: Yo spygamen lecheminduroi said George
chatter all day to say he was doing okay.
Ex.: As the environmental and neurological condition changes due from the lack of stressors
new words are formed into strings of chatter to program the human mind and to
infiltrate the subconscious to create willing participants in the game of illusions.
Ex.: The objective of chatter is to have a methodology of infecting other individuals to bend to their
master's control remotely and therefore by remote have an ability that is gained to control the victims remotely and from distance. They are considered non biological and pathological methods of infecting individuals and therefore are considered infectious.