Define Checkmark Meaning

Used as a verb: To make sure something was done right.

"Get over there and checkmark Jake's work, okay? He's new and still messes up like gangbusters."
By Lindi
A eupemism for dick (in terms of "giving" or "getting dick")

Can be used as verb or noun.

"Did you checkmark Erica last night?"
"I want a checkmark from that dude over there."
By Mariann
People on Twitter with blue checkmarks next to their names, usually some journalist you've never heard of.

I couldn't believe how many checkmarks were in his comments freaking tf out lol
By Stephi
when someone's penis is bent during an erection. a slang word used to make fun of that said person.

Guy1: Dude that kid flashed me WTF???
Guy2: heh heh he has a checkmark
By Almeda
Blue Checkmark
Someone on Twitter who thinks they are famous but in reality nobody has heard of (usually a B-list celebrity or a journalist who writes for a little-known leftist publication). The main factor which separates them from the verified accounts belonging to real celebrities is that the Blue Checkmarks lack the self-awareness to realize that nobody really cares about their opinions, yet they act as though they are God's gift to political discourse as they spout their self-righteous hot takes on Twitter.

Of course all of the Blue Checkmarks came out in droves to virtue signal about the latest election news.
By Nicki
Blue Checkmark
a term describing someone who is verified on Twitter, giving them a blue checkmark, hence the name.
the term is a pejorative, predominantly used by right-wing people to describe left-wing journalists who tweet things that either are stupid or exactly what they expected from a person with the checkmark. usually both

the Blue Checkmarks are dishing out hot takes again
By Ardella
Blue Checkmark
A slur against "verified" Twitter users, who have a blue checkmark by their names. It's usually used to refer to journalists and prominent political figures.

If this Blue Checkmark keeps talking smack imma silence his ass!
By Yoshi
Checkmark Anorexic
A girl who starves herself for a period of time then eats for the next period of time. like yo-yo dieting.

Anna the Anorexic: Dude, I haven't eaten in days!

Chelsea the Checkmark: Me neither. I don't eat for three days and then eat for one day. I'm a checkmark anorexic.

Anna the Anorexic: ...weirdo.
By Diena
What's Up Checkmark
A reply made by youtube commenters when a verified youtuber leaves a comment on someone else's video

Youtuber: Great video, man!
Reply: what's up checkmark
By Robinet