Define Cigarette Meaning

The amount of distance it takes to walk while smoking one cigarette.

Fuck going into town, that's two cigarettes away and I only have one cigarette left.
By Lulu

By Ashlee
1. A magic wand used to conjure buses. You can stand there for an hour waiting for your bus to come, but as soon as you light up a fag, it will come round the corner, forcing you to put it out.

2. Something that non-smokers frequently manage to die of cancer without ever using.

3. Something for self-righteous but somewhat timid morons to declaim and campaign against without having to feel like they're going out on a limb.

4. A drug that makes you violent and cuts your IQ in half, damages your liver, frequently causes death on the roads and in homes, destroys careers, lives and families, and costs our country millions every year in lost productivity from people who are too sick to come in to work after using too much of it the night before. Oh no wait, that's beer.

Let's see, what shall I spend my time campaigning against? Racism? No... how about religious fundamentalism? Maybe pollution or censorship... Ah, no, I've got it! Cigarettes!
By Joelie
Tobacco, rolled in a paper. Then smoked. Most of the time contains a filter. Cigarettes kill you. I love them. I love the way they smell, I love the way they taste, I love the way they feel. They will kill me and I am fine with that. If you don't love them, don't smoke and shut the fuck up.

"Cigarettes are bad for you."
"If people like you didn't exsist I wouldn't have to smoke."
By Nedda
The most blessed item on earth (other than beer and sex). People who smoke pay more taxes therefore we are patriotic. Cigarettes are usually found with a filter. People who don't smoke should invest in a filter, bitches. God knows, I would never smoke without one. In today's modern society, smokers are a rare breed of people who could give two shits about health, yellow skin, and stinky clothes because we realize that cough medicine is good, it'll help you get better. Soap will make your skin a normal color, and for God's sake, if your clothes stink, then wash them. And ater all, your gonna die someday, and who the hell wants to be old with wrinkly balls and a penis that no longer works? I will most likley never quit smoking because...
A) It is my civic duty to put into our government system.
2) I'm not a big fan of old people, don't wanna become one.
C) It pisses people off something fierce.
Next) Beer does not reach it's maximum potential in taste without the wonderful taste of a Camel Light.
5) I want to die of something of my choosing, when I get lung caner, the doctors will put me on so much pain medication that I will not notice that the copious amounts of blood that I am coughing out have put my cigarette out.
F) Shit, the movie stars do it.

Times To Smoke:
-When stressed
-After sex
-While drinking
-After waking up
-Before going to sleep
-While playing poker
-While bored
-While on smoke break
-Before meals
-After meals
-When driving
-When drowsy
-When drunk
-When confused
-While deep in thought
-When around others who smoke
-When writing this definition
-When scared
-When nervous
-When around people who DON'T smoke
-When doing laundry (i.e. stinky clothes)
-Upon buying a new pack
-When introducing yourself
-When you are living life to it's fullest
-When living fast and dying young
-When drinking coffee
-When coughing
-While watching a movie
-When angry
-After class

These are just a few good reasons and times to smoke. If you do not like smoking, do not smoke. If you do not like cigarette smoke, get a filter. If you don't like smokers, don't date them. And for fuck's sake, DON'T i repeat, DON'T tell a smoker that smoking is bad, we already know and furthermore...we don't care.

Johnny Non-smoker: "You know, smoking is bad for your health."
Me: "OH MY FUCKING GOD, THANK FUCKING CHRIST, YOU SAVED ME, I HAD NO IDEA THAT IT WAS BAD FOR MY HEALTH, I'm so glad that a person such as yourself has come into my life and saved me from the dangers of cigarettes. You are truley a blessed person."
Johnny Non-Smoker: "Well, man, I thought it was just the right thing to do."
Me: "Oh wait, I forgot, I could give two shits, I hope you die of second hand smoke. Where the fuck is my lighter?"
By Leila

nathan stepped out. he'll be back in a cigarette.
By Zara
Perhaps the best thing invented by man since alcohol. Adds a little zing to the day. Also give you 5mins alone every hour or so (However this varys per person) To think about your next cigarette or some pressing matter you've gone for a cigarette to escape.

The perfect combination with a cigarette usually is a beer, coffee, sex session or a good chat with a fellow smoker.

Non-smokers do not understand the wonder that is nicotine. The most stress relieving drug discovered so far. (Except marajuana/weed etc...)

Most non-smokers belive that you are burning your money, killing yourself and making your living acommodation stink.
When you smoke, this does not matter. IT's all worth it for those few mins of relief a day.

Cigarettes also have a little trick to them, once you start, cigarettes never want you to leave the ranks of the smokers.
Perhaps becos they love you so much. And you love them.

Long live smoking!

Wow, I'm dying for a cigarette! I'll be back in 5mins.

I can't handle work at the moment. I'm going for a cigarette.
By Madalena
A pinch of tobacco rolled in the kinda crappy paper that bus tickets are made out of with a filter on them...mostly...unless you smoke rolls ups. I Personally love them. Nobody is going to change my opinion. If you love them too, big ups to you. If you don't, quit moaning and don't smoke. Us smokers are perfectly aware that fags may well be the death of us. WE DON'T CARE. Do you think we don't read those ricdulous warning s on the packs while we get one out? Jeezzzz.Btw B&H rule :D

Tara: *is having a cigarette*
Retard: Don't do that it's bad for your health, ouch the smoke is getting in my eyes
Tara: Fuck off then.Simple as.
By Beryl
Something to put in your mouth so some ignorant fuck will come up to you and say, "smoking is harmful." Then the smoker can reply by punching the homo in the face or at the very least blowing a large puff of smoke in their direction.

By Gael
A cigarette every now and then is a guilty pleasure. As another person said, smoking cigarettes on occassion (1-3 a day) or just socially is OK and not very harmful. Smoking a pack or even half a pack in a day is a sign that you need help. I'm definitely not going to make smoking cigarettes a habit, because I know how dangerous they are. I do love the taste of them though, but not enough to became addicted to them.

A cigarette every now and then is okay with me!
By Ellyn