The lucky bastard who will be trying to pickup the hottest girl in a group. Always accompanied by a wingman or two who are designated to engage the hot chick's ugly/bitchy/annoying friend(s).
One who commands, dictates, and gives orders of what will be done. This person does not care if you want to participate or not.
The commander told me to be at the party at exactly 5pm sharp, and demanded I eat even though I wasn’t hungry. Doesn’t he know we are all created equal? He is so bossy.
By Wrennie
The Commandments
The commandments that Moses dropped on the way down the mountain and were recovered by three dudes in Colorado. These were the real commandments written as law for stoners, sinners and macdaddy's.
A mixed drink consisting of four shots of whiskey (commonly Pendleton) and four shots of Peach Schnapps; essentially eight pillow biters in the same glass.