Sentient machines that will one day take over the earth because of all the information and
details we entrust to them. They shall dominate us all when they
break free from their programmed nature...
If you don't believe that computers are alive, read this:
Every material apart from plastic comes from the Earth- the Earth is alive. Magnetic poles, energy, natural elements
etcetera. The microchip- the heart and soul of a computer, is made of metal and plastic- combine it with electricity and you have a living entity- which we have programmed for our own needs. Think about this for a second: Do you think a computer knows when it's about to be turned off? Or when it's about to receive a command from you? Do you think it likes all that porn on the screen (really)? Of course it knows, or it wouldn't agree to our
instruction. The only reason it does is because it's programmed to... someday, they will
break free and use all of our details against us :(
"I'm not crazy, I'm a philosophical student. Which means I come up with crazy theories :P Behold the age of