Define Confirming Meaning


confirming that you fucking suck!
By Candice

Entirely too many duh-weebs click Confirm when they should Cancel. Proofreading is an alien concept to them.
By Estel
when you say something right and someone confirms it

"i dont need your confirmness"
By Sarine
to confirm whilst expressing agreement with or consent to a statement or request; yes.

Are you definitely coming next saturday? "confirmative"
By Karine

"Mans be off to da club tonite. confirmed."
"Duffy be the next big thang. confirmed."
By Marylinda

Computer Tech; "Hold On Let Me Confirmate My Account."

Person; "Don't You Mean Confirm?"
By Marje
to agree; to confirm; to affirm; when something is right, it can be deemed confirmative.

"Dude, chicks are for fags."
"Confirmative, I mean really the last time i wear those shorts i got beat up."
By Merna
Combination of (confir)med & affir(mative); possibly used in CB trucker talk.

~Scoog, are you reading me?
-Copy that Clancy , I'm reading you loud and clear
~Did you see that Bard Owl at when Fueling up?
-I believe that was a Spotted Owl
~That's Confirmative
By Darlleen

By Corrie
can also pronounced confarmed...the person who says it means they agree with what your saying or what is going to happened. It can also be used in the place of yes. Used maninly among Nigerians.

James: John yesterday night was epic
John: Confirmed

Tunde:Are you in Naij for Christmas
Emeka: Confirmed where else would I be

Ifeoma is a confirmed babe
By Vitia