Crushes are a wonderful feeling. Every time you see that special person your heart beats and you try to hide a smile. You want to stalk him or her. Crushes are also painful.
You like this person, a lot, and yet, you may not know if he or she feels the same way. Your best friend may live next door to him or her and be really good friends with your crush, yet every time she or he talks to him or her, it pains you. You think he likes her or she likes him. Then there is the prettiest girl in your class and he sits with her. You may think he
likesh er just because he talks to her. Then, the school yeari s coming to a close. You feel really depressed. You just want to scream to him or her:
I REALLy like you and hope you feel the same way. Or you really want to know if he or she has the same feelings for you, or if they like someone else. It would help you feel so much better. Sometimes, even though I find it weird, I still cry about all of the emotional problems I'm having. I also obsess over
my crush with my friend. We obssess over our crushes together. If you want, you could also write that special person a note and then
sign your name. Crushes are wonderful, but very painful, thus the word: crush.
You: I really like
Friend: I know. He's cute. Look there's my so-and-so!
You: lets watch him play basketball.
Friend: FINE
You:ohh look! he has the ball. Oh, he missed, but it was still a
nice shot.
My crush is adorable!