Define Dat Bitch Meaning

Dat Bitch

Look at Dat Bitch
By Loralyn
Dat Bitch
I am that bitch.. that girl that person the moment the life the year!.. period

I am dat bitch and Will always be dat bitch.
By Erica
Dat Bitch Syndrome
When a chick breaks up with you, the resulting emotional cataclysm that one experiences as well as the ensuing shitstorm of derogatory insults directed towards her can be summed up with this medical term. May involve excessive swearing, claims of being better than her, and, of course, emphasis on how "dat bitch" done you wrong.

Klye- Goddamnit Mralk, it's been 3 months and you're still complaining about Gabriella.

Mrak- Dat bitch Gabriella done me wrong Klye! I'm so much better than her.

Klye- You've got a bad case of Dat Bitch Syndrome.

Mrak- She's in my balls I swear.
By Katherina
Dat Bitch Ugly
Dat bitch ugly stands for when dat bitch is ugly

Dat bitch ugly with no makeup but she be fabulous
By Ariella
Who Dat Bitch
A phrase used to call attention to a woman whom is notable for looking attractive or just plain skanky.

your asshole friend: "Hey, yo who dat bitch?"
By Marika
Hrk 'n' Dat Bitch
having sex with a shirt and your hat still on

man that kid is defiantly hrk 'n' dat bitch
By Christabel
Go Hundred On Dat Bitch
when your in a situation with someone talking shit and you're about to throw down.

-put someone on blast, have no mercy, go all out, havin' a predicament, not holding back .
*rate accordingly to the situation .

Person: "*blah blah blah , im talking shit*"
You: "oh hell no, ima go hundred on dat bitch."

Person: "HAHAHAH ! *says something not funny or relevant*"
You: "Mhmmmmmm, ima go ehhh... 72 on dat bitch, im feeling friendly"
By Jeanine
when a boy tells a girl he loves her, just so he can get pussy, head, or other sexual benefits. The girl often gets heartbroken because he leaves her after.

“man they’re so cute together”
“nah he just uses her to fuck and she thinks it’s love”
“damn, big L for dat bitch
By Elsie
Bahko Dat Bitch
The act of putting extremely large Bahko sunglasses on an ugly girl to cover up the fact that you have to be around her.

Man I met I with this girl from tinder and she wouldn’t leave so I had to Bahko dat bitch.
By Kanya
Dat Savage Bitch

By Latia