Define Dazed Meaning

Mixed up in the head. Feeling similar to being punched in the temple about 4 times.

By Stacie
Usually use to describe when a person is excited, shocked, confused, worn-out and/or having adrenaline rush.

#1: Did you saw the fight?
#2: Yea, I was there.
#1: I was about to record it, but I was so dazed out.
By Sarita
lightheaded, dull, confused, and/or worn out from drug use, especially cannabis, the day(s) before

Dude, I smoked weed last Tuesday. I had to play in this baseball game the day after, but I was so dazed I could barely catch the ball.
By Koralle
to have a small instrument.

Girl: "You're Dazed!"
Marc: ":("
By Heidie
Adjective. A portmanteau of "dazzling" and "amazing", meaning "more amazing than amazing", or "dazzlingly amazing".

That girl I saw at the nightclub, she was totally dazing.
By Gail
When you kiss her and feelings of dreaminess and tiredness envelops over you; usually accompanied by a smiTTeN

wierdo: "yo dude why arent u answering me????"
me: "sry im dazed asf"
By Doe

It's only 9:00 and I'm dazed
By Annabelle
blurry; a lost state of mind that might eventually go away. Sometimes considered enjoyable and makes time pass quickly. Not a care in the world

I have been stuck in a daze all week with people asking me questions and me not caring anymore about anything
By Marney
When someone is ignorant or not aware of something that they ought to know.

Just because a woman is fat does not make her booty attractive bro, you're dazed. Tbh I've seen some pretty fat ass chicks with some flat ass cheeks you nam sayin' !
By Debera
Day Blaze, to smoke marijuana during the day time.

You trying to daze tomorrow if we don't have school?

I'll be over at noon.
By Jayne