Define Derogatory Meaning

A statement intended to damages the mind of another; a hurtful statement

Student 1 - Hey! Quit eating the twinkies fat-ass!

Student 2 runs off sobbing

Teacher, who saw everything, rushes over to student 1

Teacher - I will be reporting you to the disciplinarian!Derogatory statements like that are completely inappropriate in this instititution and anywhere else. Come with me immediately!
By Livvyy
concerning a degrading statement; can be an insult of anything or anyone, but usually pertaining to a racist remark. cracka, chink, and nigga can all be used as examples of derogatory terms.

Luke's derogatory inference of the person of Asian dissent as a chink was not only uncalled for and insulting, but racist.
By Joyce
a term used to specify that a usually normal word is meant as an insult

By Verina

Do not use derogatory words for such a noble person.
By Lorne
Comes from the word degrade.

It is used to describe a word or action that is degrading a certain race or a thing.

For example:
I have never heard "rice burner" used in a derogatory way before.

By Ruby
Derogatory Remarks
words used to degrate someone, usually said in a sarcastic tone to make a person feel stupid, idiotic, fat, or just not welcome. If done right with friends, it will result in laughs and smiles of "i hate you"

you ate the whole cake! you fat bastard!
hey, hows my little asain doing today?
stupid jewish crap..won't work right.
duhh way to go retard.

these are all examples of some derogatory remarks
By Camellia
Derogatory Terms
it means terms that are used to insult someone or imply something negative. (god why is this not in here yet?)

some of derogatory terms(words):

asshole( are a fucking asshole)
cuntface( are a fucking cuntface you!)
dickbutt( are a fucking dickbutt you!)
kitkat( are a fucking kitkat you!)
control panel( are a fucking control panel)
By Libbi
Facetiously Derogatory
Treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor.

Tending to derogate, or lessen in value of someone.

Rude, inappropriate, childish manner of speaking to or about someone. Funny in an immature sense.

A mild sense might mean only light innocent teasing to make one laugh or blush. Stronger versions the phrase might mean to provoke anger, sadness or even madness!

It is usually always meant to be rude.
Comedians do it all the time.

"I prefer the term "breeder" when being facetiously derogatory to straight individuals." - Gorgon the Wonder C0w (off some 2 cans and a string forum site)
By Roseline
Minecraft Youtuber (Derogatory)
A Minecraft Youtuber is a person who plays the video game Minecraft for money or to entertain an audience. They lack self respect and maturity and are prone to being discriminatory and apologizing later.

“Who’s person?”
“Oh, they’re a Minecraft Youtuber (Derogatory), they play video games for money and to entertain.”
By Eryn
French (derogatory)
Is someone being just a general asshole for no discernible reason? Call them French! This handy derogatory term takes care of all your argumentative needs instantaneously!

Person 1: nigga shut the hell up and eat a cinnamon roll
Person 2: dayummmm ok French (derogatory)
Person 1: 😢
By Kathy