Define Dies Meaning

Di Di Di
Another way of saying "retard" or "you're stupid". It's usually said in a deep "stupid voice"

Boris: I just walked into a door!
Doloris: You're such a di di di!
By Lotti
a bad case of diarreha noun

Little Johnny had a bad case of DI DI last night and sprayed the toilet
By Claudetta
Dis Is Dis

:: when the bartender pours 8 shots of patron::

โ€œdis is disโ€

:: when you step in dog shiii ::

โ€œDis is not disโ€
By Henrieta
Dis? Dis.
1. Elongated form of the phrase "dis."
2. Taken from "Was that a dis? Yes, in fact, I do believe it was."

Frank: You know who else is good?
Evan: Who?
Frank: Your mom.
Mekko: Ooooh dis? dis.
By Lavina
Dis disrespect some one

1. she dised u so fuckin bad u turned red
2.dis shit is fo sheezy
By Melitta
No Dis'

Your mom is a m.i.l.f., no dis'.
By Charo
It Died
a phrase used in response to one inquiring to as where an object went, or where an objest is.

also can be used as 'they', 's/he', 'we', and other pronouns.

(1.) "where are my key's?"
(2.)"they died."
By Vivianna
Commonly used on forums, *dies* indicates the act of dying in a virtual environment. Note: Whoever said it isn't really dead. I'm a cunt
The Reverand: *dies*
By Katleen
What should be the proper spelling of dying

While I was skiing I saw someone diing.
By Bellina
2-To insult someone; criticize. (short for "DISrespect".

I like dis chick.
He dissed me, and I'ma pull ma gatt and pop a cap into his fuckin' ass.
By Sioux