Define Directions Meaning

A command listed even if no one pays attention to it, anyway. Mainly there to protect the stupid.

Directions for Dial soap: use like regular soap.
Directions for hair dryer: do not use while sleeping.
Directions for frozen dinner: defrost.
Directions on a packet of peanuts: open packet. Eat nuts.
By Adah
Used to describe silly-looking styles worn by ultra-fashionable people when you're not confident enough to come right out and say they look silly. You're worried this is a new fashion you don't know about yet, so you say the tweed shirt with a gold tie or whatever is 'directional'.

Look at all these posers with their directional haircuts. I wish I was in Wigan.
By Gretna
C'mon people! it is the damn blinker in your car.

"I have to put my directional on for this left hand turn"
By Lauren
@ somebody when you are saying something about them

Myah shaded me on Snapchat and didnt @ me and she wasn’t being direct
By Cindelyn

Jazmine shaded me on Twitter today but she didn’t @ me and said it directly”
By Celisse
What real mean don't ask for.

Dan is a real man; when he gets lost, he doesn't ask for directions like some pussy.
By Alma
a thing that a penis / leg does when underneith covers, especially in hotel rooms, or when a penis directly touches something

" dude dont put those boxers on your head! his direct penis was on that!"
By Kristina
In the thrashy Israeli streets, this is one of many Code-terms in order to get some Marijuana around, and other drugs as well. Since Marijuana is the most exstensive illegal drug there is, escpecially in Israel, this particular term is considered mostly into "Weed". The term itself asks for the "demand" part, and usually after you say 'direction' (or, "Kivun" in Hebrew), you must name the price. exmaples next will show the meaning:

Do you have a direction (kivun) in 50? (Can I purchase drugs in 50 NIS?)
By Sharia
Someone who has a sickly precise sense of direction. Someone who can find where they parked blindfolded, spun around three times and drunk.

Randy: Dude, where's my car?
Monique: Third floor, row 6, spot 9.
Jack: Damn, your girl is more directional than you... does she have a sister?

By Yoko
dying from an erection nbd;

An erection lasted so long he died . Did you go to Gordo's funeral? Yeah he died from a direction !
By Karisa