Define Doode Meaning

This word is just "dude" but said in a much different manner. It kinda sounds like you've just smoked 2gs by yourself and are trying to act like a surfer dude.

"Doode, that was some good shit. Lets go surfing."
By Karil

By Nerti
inside joke with your friends, said like saying hey to someone, but meant to insult them, but only your friends know. Also said when someone says a bad joke.

John tells a bad joke so you would say DOODE.
By Willyt
The superior way to spell "dude."

J: Yo dood did you do the math homework?
Steve: Hell no.
By Kris
to get totally wacked out and high to the point of having no control of yourself on caffein, tends to make everything funny and is acheived by consuming very high amounts of energy drinks late at night

"Ruben was so dooded that he started talking giberish."
"Last night we got dooded on BLACK MAMBA."
By Bernetta
1.A word you use to refer to your close friend.
2.A word you use when you are mad at someone.
Dood can also be dragged out to look something like doooooooooooood.
3.Someone that likes getting their dick sucked while eating pussy(69).
4.A word used when someone wants to argue with you but you don't want to hear what they have to say. It's kind of like plugging your ears and saying la la la la over and over again to drown out the noise of the other person.
5.What you say when someone is fucking with you and you want them to stop.
6.A misspelling of the word dude often used by "Lol Cats".
plural: Doodz,Doods

1.Whats up dood?

2.Goddamn it Dood! Thats my cupcake

3.I bet he's a dood. More like a dooooooood

4.(other guy)I told thats my cupcake but you ate it anyway!.(you)Doooood doood dood, thats all you say anymore.

5.Stop it Dood your pissing me off!

6.We are in ur base killin ur Doodz!
By Susanna

poop = (turn monitor upside down) dood
By Lindsay
A better way to spell "dude."
What prinnies say a lot in Disgaea.

By Wynne
This must be put at the end of every sentence a Prinny speaks.

However, this rule has become fairly optional, since Prinny Kurtis and Big Sis Prinny don't use "dood" in their dialogue at all. Some Prinnies have trained themselves to use it less often, though they are ridiculed. There are various other rules when using the word "dood", such as:

It is not a real noun; people are not "doods". For example, "Master Dood!" for "Master Etna!"

It cannot be used in puns. For example, "Just doing my dood-y, dood! Tee-hee!"

Eyaah! So this is the murder scene, dood?! Why the hell was that still here, dood?! Dood, what's going on, dood?! Dood!
By Chlo
/da oodes/ noun

Starcrossed individuals who are predestined to slip, stumble or dive into a socially awkward position. A doode is usually unaware of the faux-pas, but, may on occasion delight in the mutual discomfort. A doodes is functionally similar to a Larry David.

The doodes smiled broadly at the new father, "So you are African American and your wife is Japanese... what does that child look like?".

Ah, said the doodes, "So I called the wrong person? Oh, the other ethnic person. Hmmm, no, I didn't confuse you with someone else of the same race. Yes, I realize you are all individuals."

The doode's brow furled, "Mo? Who is Mo? Oh, you are referring to Carl the hoMOsexual, correct?" A look of surprise, "Oh actually Mohammad... certainly a different way to go."
By Celia