Define Dorm Meaning

a bedroom, living room, and kitchen in a space about the size of most walk-in closets. roommate included free of charge.

As I like to say, "home sweet hole."
By Arabel
your own semi-personal hell hole you live in your freshman year of college with your complete opposite

By Andromache
a deluxe prison cell used for getting ass

Let's go back to the dorm and get some ass.
By Darb
A place where parents send their children to have meaningless sex and consume copious amounts of drugs. Also the place I wish to end up after a night of boozing with my homies.

Damn, I'm so drunk! Let's go to the dorm and get some tail.
By Coleen
A residence hall at a college or university, commonly residence halls consisting of double rooms with a community bathroom.

It's time to go back to the dorms.
By Therese
A college style jail cell that you'll simply want to get out of, for reasons such as:

1. Ridiculous prices that will probably increase for no reason whatsoever.
2. Bathroom that is nasty.
3. Suitemates that will eventually become annoying as hell to deal with.
4. Shit wifi.
5. "Quiet Hours". Yes, this is a thing considering the purpose of college dorms.
6. No privacy.

With all of that being said, please do yourself a great favor in both sanity and savings by getting an apartment, with "sane" people. If you prefer to save even a greater chunk and have good grades, then consider commuting.

Person 1: "I'm finally excited to move into a dorm! Freedom at last!"

Person 2. "That's what they all say, until you're first month ends. Then your dorm becomes a living hell."
By Sapphire
The place where I go to have sex with ugly girls.

By Phyllys
a place to "crash" or "hang out man"

dude im going back to the dorm to crash or hang out man
By Colene
THE Dorm
THE Dorm is a place for grown-ups. It is usually an apartment building in a lively part of town, where mostly single, or single divorcees live and really live it up. THE Dorm is an opportunity to re-live your fun party years, but you're not broke and can afford all the luxuries!

Hey, everyone's meeting at THE Dorm tonight! Karen's got it pimped out with everything one could ever want: video games, keg, beer pong, musical instruments. People just come and go at all times of the day and night, everyone loves hanging out at THE Dorm.
By Ardyce
a demeanor which constitutes a brainless lack of attention paying- dream/sleep like. being 'dorme' , stupid, blind to obvious shit, or- in some cases- simply a dumb ass.

Root word being Italian for SLEEP

you dorme!

fucking wake up dorme!
By Joelle