Define Dumbass Meaning

if u searched this up, u r a dumbass.

By Fayette
someone who is dumb and has an ass

By Alexine
a person/animal/other organism that does actions/things that are unfavorable and seen by others as stupid, it's also an insult to a person who is pea-brained.

bosco:10+10 is not twenty it don't have ten in it!
Damien: bosco u fucking dumbass it doesn't need to have that to be twenty
Ben:seriously bosco, did you skip 1st grade or something?
By Phillis
A person is both stupid (e.g. dumb) while also stubbornly refusing to stop being stupid when asked (e.g. ass)

I couldn't teach him how to use the paintball gun because he was running around with it between his legs like a dumbass.
By Opal
A great word that is used by Red Foreman from the 70's show on FOX.

Red Foreman: Kitty that foriegn kid is a dumbass
By Stephie
half the people writing these definitions

By Piper
dumbass - noun/adj.

1.) a stupid person
2.) a stupid descison
3.) george bush.
related to idiot

Tom, you're such a dumbass.

Tom, that was a dumbass descision.
By Julienne
1. someone that is stupid
2. someone who spells out street talk so they think they sound cool
3. someone who thinks that they have it worse than everyone else

That guy is a dumbass.
The person whoe wrote, "I'm in da hizzouse 4 realz mo fo." is a dumbass.
The girl who is bitching about everything is a dumbass.
By Maressa
somebody who answers when you yell "hey dumbass!"

mean person:hey dumbass!

By Tasha
Someone that is very impressively gay.

Damn that dumbass is a faggot.
By Faustina