Define English Meaning

the most expressive language on the face of the earth. although widely insulted for it's strange spelling and grammar, no other major language on earth can convey ideas as precisely or as diversely as the english language. This is largely because of the huge amount of words that make up the english language, which dwarfs the vocabularies of other languages by comparison.

it's name is derived from the anglo-saxons.

as a kid i grew up speaking spanish. thankfully, i learned english and now i only speak spanish when i have no other choice.
By Casey
A language that only really intelligent people know how to speak correctly.

That person speaks English correctly! Wow, how smart!
By Rosabelle

Sammy L. Jackson: "Hey brad, where you from?"
SLJ: "What? hmm, do they speak english in what?"
B: "What?"
SLJ:"english, muthafucka, do uoi speak it?"
B: "What?"
SLJ: "Say 'what' again.." brandishes weapon
B: "What?"
SLJ: shoots B in arm.
By Stevena
Someone or somthing originating from England. A small island in western europe, this island is also shared by wales, and scotland.

Many stereotypes are related back to the english. Such as wearing big top hats, speaking in a posh or stuck up accent, being rich, being agressive and moody and living in castles. These are all bullshit. I'm english and I'd love to be one rich motherfucker. All I am is a middleclass open minded student who has nothing against anyone. In the 'ye olde times' we did happen to gangrape most of the world (about 3/4 to be precise) but back then everyone was trying to do the exact same, we were just better. This makes many people angry, such as the Scottish, the Americans aaaand hell every other country in the world really (apart from the ones whoses asses we saved).

So please learn from this guys, we english are not all football hooligans, nor are we all Lords and Ladies of Yorkshire, the majority of us are just nice, friendy people who are activley seeking to make the world a better place.

Apart from Tony Blair, do not gauge us by his actions. Hes a cunt. So's Gordon Brown.

Stereoytpical English Gentleman - Well hello young master Blake, should you not be studying for your big scripture test you young scallywag you? Heyo do not tither, here is a pittance now be on your way.


Actual English man - Alright mate.
By Dolores
spin on a pool ball or billiards ball (they are very different games). Comes from the fact that this technique came here from English players when they brought the game and their skillz here

Damn dude, you see the curve on the ball? That shit had madd english on it.
By Elisabet
Incredibly powerful and brutal race of people. Renowned worldwide for the ability to fight, hence why they are assiciated with lions, dragons, bulldogs etc, while the rose represents beauty.

Oh my its the english soccer hooligans, run!
By Mirella

By Herta
a mix of german,french,celtic, and norse dialects that is now i think the most used language in the world
random fact more people speak english in china than the in the USA

a people who colonised most of the world including america much to their annoyence lol they can take the piss with all their false stereotypes such as the constant use of toodle pip and other random shite no1 has sed since the 1800s but ur just takn the piss outta ur family lol

hardly any1 speaks posh lyk the queen only the odd wierdo or american tryn to fit in...
english is split in2 many accents such as liverpudlian, brummie, cornish, devonian, cockney, queen's, mancs and many more the accents are known to change between towns seperated by no more than a few miles!

given the grammar is fukd up but thats language but whn u think other europian languages give objects genders which changes verb form and all sorts of shit just accept and get over it

fav american line: ...would be speaking german unless we won the war

English answer: .... would not be living or would be speakn french or spanish if we hadn't colonised :P
By Davita
The (not uptight part of the) English culture is one of the Three Best Cultures, which are the Flemish culture, the Scottish culture and this one.

One thing I like about England and the English culture is that you'd run into a different dialect when driving just a short distance.
By Cathee
1: A bastardised and relatively young language that is incredibly versatile and also sounds better than any other language when put to music. One of the advantages of the versatility of English and its' relative youth is the ability to absorb the best parts of other languages whilst ignoring the silly bits. French people are jealous of the English language because although theirs' sounds much sexier when spoken, it has a million stupid rules which the rest of the world has no patience for.

2: People born within England (not Britain or UK). A mongrel tribe of excessively agressive people who, not content with slaughtering the indiginous peoples of the British Isles, took their agression on a worldwide mission brutally slaughtering and repressing peoples covering the entire globe (unless the french or spanish beat them too it, which was not often due to their laziness).
English people work longer hours than almost any other country in Europe (compensated for by alcoholism) and have a generally shitty quality of life, despite this they maintain an arrogant superiority which engenders hatred for them throughout the world (especially in Ireland, Scotland, & Wales). Although the British government is responsible for the island of Britain it is an essentially English government so any hatred towards the 'British' should be directed first and foremost at the English (rather than Welsh or Scottish).

3. Much the same as definition two, a cunning and deceitfull bastard that will smile at your face whilst planning to give you a right royal fucking (and not in a nice way). Also a nationalistic moron whose patron saint was a Roman Soldier from eatern Europe given to the English by their Norman masters, although the real patron saint of England (and stil of the royal Family) is Edward the Confessor - an Englishman!.

(To a Parisian waiter)
"When you've stopped sulking read the menu in English."

(To an gibbering Indian call centre employee)
"Pardon? Sorry? Could you repeat that please? I'm sorry but does anyone speak English there?"

(To an American)
"Cat is spelt C.A.T."
"We don't 'jerk off' here old chap, we wank!"

(To an Austrailian)
"I know English doesn't come naturally to you but may I have two pints of lager please."

(To George W. Bush)
"In English, nuclear is pronounced new-clear."

(To Scots, Welsh, Irishman)
"Do you like the the English?"
"No, they're a bunch of no good, blood sucking bastards."
By Teressa