Define Epic Movie Meaning

Epic Movie
Don't get me wrong, I love parodies but this was pretty crappy. It had little humor and was more for the 11 - 13 age group.

I love scary movie, mad tv, and other parodies but epic movie was boring as shit.
By Filippa
Epic Movie
A TERRIBLE movie that would have been more aptly named: Epic Fail!

Joey: Did you see Epic Movie?
Nick: More like Epic FAIL!
By Caren
Epic Movie
A synonym for suckiness or shittiness (yes, the movie was that bad). Something that sucks or is retarded.

Dude, your last girlfriend was fine until she turned stalker, shit her pants in class, and went all Epic Movie.

Don't buy that car Duane, it has Epic Movie written all over it.

I'll never get into college. My SAT scores were Epic Movie.

Britney Spears had a career 'til she went all Epic Movie.

By Tabbatha
Epic Movie
Another piece of shit spoof that just has riduculas characters, why not have real actors instead of fake actors playing as the actors like they were crazy ppl. Sma eas the X Men, why can't they get Ian McKellen playing Magneto instead some other old guy dressed up like it was a fucking halloween party.

Epic Movie is a piece of shit, bad stunt doubles like when the lion was fighting the witch it was some Asian kid. Jokes suck, too much breakdancing oh god it was like watching You got served but this sucks alot worst. And the scene where "Captian Jack Sparrow arrives" and the White Bitch would be wearing a Davey Jones mask and then starts another break dance. These jokes are unexplainable and unfunny. Don't watch it.
By Mira
Epic Movie
Upcoming 2007 "comedy" film that puts my faith in humor very low.

By Auria
Epic Movie Syndrome
After watching an epic movie or TV series, or playing an epic video game, the feeling of depression or dissatisfaction with one's real life in comparison to the awesomeness of what one saw/lived on screen, i.e. "my life can never be that awesome oh god." Epic, in this case, meaning circumstances that lead the protagonist to save the world or live life in a way that nobody could remotely approach in reality.

Usually lasts 1-5 days after the conclusion of said epic movie/series/game.

"How fucking amazing would it be if I could get really ripped and fight crime like Batman....oh god damn it, it's basically impossible. I'm going to spend the next 30 years in a cubicle trying to get the office that's slightly bigger than a cubicle. My life is so fucking boring and background and I'll never realize my dreams. I have such a severe case of epic movie syndrome that I might as well kill myself."
By Pepi