Define Estj Meaning

One of the sixteen Myers Briggs personalty types (MBTI). They can be narrow minded, arrogant, bossy and expect others to follow rules strictly.

"Let's steel that doughnut."
"Nah, my friend will call the police - he's an ESTJ."
By Cleo
Myers-Briggs MBTI

A type that is awesome.
For you all who criticise ESTJs for being ESTJs, please look up cognitive functions and leave the poor type alone. Learn that all types are inherently equal in terms of potential, and all types can easily be just as unhealthy.

ESTJ are efficient, logical and down to earth. They, like ISTJ, are often seen by some Intuitive and/or Percieving types as rigid and inflexible, as well as closed minded. However, with their tertiary cognitive function Ne, ESTJ tend to be more flexible and creative when compared to ISxJ types.

ExTJs have dominant Te, and tend to value efficiency and directness, external sources and credible information supported by empirical evidence. However, unlike ENTJ, ESTJs tend to be a little more past than future oriented, comparing events in the past to current events, and are therefore stereotyped to be more on the traditionalist side. (Auxilliary Si).

Along with ESFJ, ESTJ are commonly associated with the 'speak to the manager' Karen. In reality, any type has the potential to be a Karen. ESTJ may also be associated with Karens for their outspokenness, emphasis on efficiency, and stereotypical tendency to shout at people. (A stereotypical example would be the ESTJ! Frank James in his 16personalities skits.)

ESTJs are often criticised in the MBTI community, due to MBTI being attractive to types that generally do not sit well with them, hence its general negative connotation.

Person 1: An old friend of mine was an ESTJ. She was efficient, intelligent and direct. She always knew the kinds of things that would help. She was a cool person, but passed away last week.
Person 2: I bet she sucked! Booo! Booooo!
By Sheila-Kathryn
1. One of the 16 MBTI, or Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator, types, with dominant extroverted thinking, auxiliary introverted sensation, tertiary extroverted intuition, and inferior introverted feeling.

2. (commonly used in MBTI circles) Anyone I don't like, and the more I don't like that person, the more ESTJ they are.

A: Man I really don't like my classmate Kyle, he must be an ESTJ.
B: Just because you don't like someone doesn't make them an ESTJ lmao
By Joline