Define Etc Meaning

Etc is an abbreviation for Et Cetera, a Latin saying that means "and other things", but people commonly use it when they can't think of anything else to put on a list, but know they are other things that can go on that list. During the example I am stating, between these: *, an asterisk, means that he/she is thinking, not speaking.

"Today I ate cereal, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a cup of yogurt, *I can't remember what else I ate, but I remember eating something else! I have an idea.* etc."

Without the *Thinking*, this is what he/she said:

"Today I ate cereal, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a cup of yogurt, etc."
By Joyce
the end of one's thinking capacity for the given/provided topic

The numbers i know are 1,2,etc.
By Carmelle
"Etc.", with a period included, means "and so on".

The period serves no purpose, and it is commonly dropped, particularly in places such as Twitter, where space is at a premium. The requirement for a period at the end in order to be proper needs to be dropped.

There are many names for colors, such as red, blue, green, orange, etc, but there are far more colors than there are names.
By Adrienne

I like animals such as cats, dogs, birds, etc.
By Nelle
When you either can think of any more examples or the list is too long you say "etc." at the end of the sentence. Other wise meaning "so on and so forth..." It stands for 'Et Cetera'.

"The new car had power locks, power windows, heated seats, etc."
By Tiffi
Short for "et cetera" which is a latin word meaning "and so on"

By Sybille
Everyone uses "etc" but some noobs do not know what it means.

Heres the meaning:
et cetera, a Latin expression meaning "and other things" or "and so on"

Matt: We will go to Anya's house, Bring some clothes.. You'know!
Scott: Are we going to swim too?
Matt: Yeah, Swimming, Playing some basketball, etc.
By Ferdinanda
A word used at the end of a sentence or idea to make it seem like you know a lot more than you really do.

pi = 3.14...etc.
Any more examples needed?
By Eleanor
A great YouTuber who likes to remind us that he's our boy. He also has a large fascination with Afros, going on villager hunts where he will waste many nook miles tickets, and Animal Crossing villagers with a normal personality type. Is known for yelling in Splatoon matches and giving birth Vian (his little raisin) from his Fro.

By Torie
ETC is said to stand for "End of Thinking Capacity". Etc is used when you run out of words to explain or write series of things.

I have been learning about Neutron Stars, Dwarf Stars, Supernova, Hypernova, Black Holes Etc. Etc.
By Bernardine