Define Etiquette Meaning

an unwritten set of cultural rules.


1. tipping in the United States

2. placing the fork to the left of the plate and the knife/fork on the right

3. a man should call a woman is he has asked for her number

4. dont be late on a date

5. during a job interview, dont sit down until asked by the interviewer

6. not putting you elbows on the dinner table

7. dont ever break off a relationship via e-mail; do it by phone or in person

Etiquette is actually pretty silly
By Manda
n. (Rules governing) Socially acceptable behavior.

Something today's society seems to be lacking in, due to the creation of social classing.

Etiquette would be helping an elderly lady across the road, not twatting her one in the middle of the road and stealing her purse.
By Rhonda

By Glenna
How a woman presents herself fashionably and cosmetically.

Damn! She has a lot of etiquette!
By Hulda
Socially accepted unwritten rules

Two people who are seeing each other live in two different cities, roughly one hour away from each other. Person A lives in city A and Person B lives in city B. Person A wants to break up with person B. Person A is required to drive to City B where she then proceeds to break up with Person B. Person B should not be required to drive to city A. Assuming Person A drives to City B, Person A is exercising good etiquette.
By Morena
Snob who eats a burger with a knife and fork.

Noun - etiquette of a tosser

Alex eats his burger with the etiquette of a tosser
By Flo
The Etiquette
While one is sitting on a sink, Doing the Neil, the person masturbates with his pinky out using proper etiquette.

I just walked in the bathroom and couldn't believe what I saw, Neil doing The Etiqutte.

Yo man! I just saw that lazy SOB doing The Etiquette in the bathroom.
By Carmella
Pippy Etiquette
The correct way to partake in a crystal meth smoking circle.

Shane - "Yo, Luke. Don't be a greedy dog with the pipe this time. Remember - puff puff pass, aiight bro?"

Luke - "No wukkas bro. I won't be such a cooked cunt and forget pippy etiquette this time man I swear."
By Tersina
Gym Etiquette
The act of not only re-racking the weights that you use at the gym, but placing them on the rack that they belong. Usually this concept is too difficult for the meat head to grasp due to the steroids not only shrinking their balls, but their ability to understand common courtesy.

Look at me you piece of shit meat head!! I'm placing the weight back on the rack and NOT leaving on the floor after I'm done with it cause I have gym etiquette. Next time try sticking that needle in your fucking eye instead of your ass you fucking blight on society.
By Nolana
Mosh Etiquette
Mosh Etiquette is what separates most metal from most punk mosh pits. This unwritten rule pamphlet, too few rules for a book, there are only 3 (to me)

1. Don't be an ass. If you go into a pit looking to hurt as many people as bad as you can, someone will probably take a bottle to the back of your head. Weapons are an absolute beating coming your way, depending on the show, the band might kick you the fuck out after your beating.

2. If someone falls down you stop moshing and pick them up, if they are hurt, help them out of the pit. Failure to do so will result in an old breed mosher beating the fuck out of you. Pretty entertaining.

3. If a person is on the edge of the pit, you are not supposed to drag them in, unless you know them and they won't mind. The "guards" as I call them are life long pit encirclers, they contain it to a certain area of the floor. They like the physicality with the minimal chance of getting hurt.

As a last note, don't throw crowd surfers into the pit, we won't catch them.

Lots of punks follow some form of mosh etiquette. Some metalheads too
By Heloise