Define Evils Meaning

towniespeak, to look at somebody in a bad way, most commonly used as an excuse to start a fight

A "girl she is giving me evils!!! hey you! you got beef wi' me or summink?!!!"

B "no, just just lost my contact lens..."

A "what?!! you callin' me a liar now???!!! don't you go direspectin' me!!! i'm gonna smash your ugly fucking face in, you dirty little whore!!!!!!"

B *is not a townie and therefore *runs away**

(and yes, i have seen that happen before...)
By Agna
Amazing English thrash metal band, formed in 2004 by brothers Matt (lead vocals, rhythm guitar) and Ol Drake (lead guitar), Mike Alexander (bass) and Ben Carter (drums)

Current discography:
All Hallows Eve (EP) -2004
Hell Demo - 2006
Enter the Grave (first full-length album) - 2007
Infected Nations (LP) -2009

A really great, very talented band (especially the drummer) Reviving classic thrash, they kinda sound like a big amalgam of Metallica, Slayer and Exodus, which can't possibly be a bad thing can it?!

Any fans of thrash should definitely check their stuff out

Jack: Hey, did you check out Evile's Enter The Grave?
Mike: No, should I?
Jack: Hell yes!
Mike: *has an eargasm*
By Ardella
Extensive practice of evil.
The religion of evil people.
The predominant form of behavior of duplicitous people in power.
The current philosophy that, put into action, is rapidly destroying any trace of humane behavior.

Everybody here lies. This city -and its government- is pure Evilism.
By Modestia
E- every
V- villain
I- is
L- lemons

Man Ray, the Dirty Bubble, and Barnacle Boy all formed an alliance known as EVIL.
By Hetty

Hi, I'm your tax collecter, and I'm a bitch.
By Nanci
Essential ingredient for the making of humans.

Recipe for Human:
Add 3 cups water
Add half dozen eggs
Add chopped cabbage
Mix gently while adding Evil until desired effect.
Bake at 97 degrees Fahrenheit for 9 months
Serve chilled
By Devi

evil is live backwards
By Maressa
aka girls, girls are evil I have proof...

Girls require time and money
(Girls = Time x Money)
But we all know time is money
(Time = Money)
(Girls = Money x Money)
(Money x Money = Money squared)
And beacause money is the root of all evil
(Money = square route of evil)
(Girls = (the square route of evil)squared)
so we are forced to conclude that...
(Girls = Evil)

In short: Girls need time and money but time is money and money is evil, so girls crave evilness making them evil...
By Charmane

By Minny
evile is a mix of "evil" and "vile"

That creature is evile!
By Arlene