Define Eyes Meaning

eyes (n.) - Traditionally defined as a feature on a living creature’s body that allows it to see, this simple area of the body is considered by some to be the most beautiful and mystifying physical feature of another person (especially the eyes of a woman). Unlike the breasts, legs, or gluteus maximus (which are often associated with physical beauty in women) the eyes hold value outside of the realm of sexuality. (Some would even argue that, for this reason alone, the admiration of a woman's eyes is more respectable and pure than being physically attracted toward some element of her sex.) Some men find the most dazzling feature of a woman to be her eyes, leaving everything else as all but completely irrelevant. Looking into a woman’s eyes, one can sometimes peer into her soul.

“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you so I can wake up to look into your eyes, every day, for the rest of my life.”
By Oralee
The organs specifically used to view pornography.

Jim's eyes couldn't look away from Tina's tits.
By Betti

you have beautiful... eyes
By Veradis

- I can't read it, I haven't got my eyes in

- Come to bed
- Ok, just let me take my eyes out
By Camala
digital scales. Used to weigh contraband such as crack, weed, and other illegal drugs.

By Page
a person who is displaying the outward signs of heavy ecstacy use

"ey, look at eyes over there.. 'es gone innit?"
By Willi
Eye To Eye

Now we're seeing eye to eye.
By Willette
Eye For An Eye
If you're not an idiot, you'd know that "eye for an eye" means, if you fuck someone up, we'll fuck you up too. First coined by Hammurabi back in ancient Mesopotamia times, although I'm sure he didn't quite put it that way.

When John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln, then got killed in a barn in Virginia, that's an eye for an eye.
When Nathan Gale shot that dimebag Darrel, then got tracked down and killed, that's an eye for an eye.
When you give me AIDS after sex, then I track you down and stab the shit out of you, that's an eye for an eye.
By Elena
Eye To Eye
being on the same level

Are you eye to eye with me you one-eyed, peg-legged, toothless, frech-whore midgit bitch?

By Lulita
Colloquial, form of eye crap, the crusy and/or gooey jism that forms in the corner(s) of your eye(s) overnight, at least some times. Not often, but usually after a wild evening. Can be dangerous to rub upon awakeining, you can scratch your cornea. A close relative of mehmeh

I woke up with a serious case of eye-eye. I'm going to knit some mehmeh stockings and make some eye-eye cookies.
By Etty