Define Feminism Meaning

By definition, a person who believes in the fundamental equality between the sexes, with a focus upon women's issues such as equal pay or stereotyping.

However, those who call themselves feminists rarely abide by the dictionary term. A more appropriate term for the feminist of today is female chauvinist, one who believes the female sex is naturally superior to the male sex.

Those that call themselves feminist typically subscribe to second-wave feminism, which evolved in the 1970s from the earlier, first-wave feminism. Whereas first-wave feminism sought legislation that would grant equal protection under the law, second-wave feminism sought an overthrow of what they called "patriarchy," which included traditional families and capitalism.

Contrary to many feminist claims, feminism is not a belief that is exclusive to women. Some feminists object to men referring to themselves as feminist, and use the term "pro-feminist" instead. A man who believes in equal protection under the law can be classified as feminist by definition.

Feminists and feminist organizations tend to campaign for issues they percieve as important to women, such as abortion rights (most feminists are pro-choice), domestic violence, LGBT rights, and similar issues. Feminism is often criticized for a unilateral approach to their issues, focusing only on increasing the rights of women, even to the point of denying the rights of men, underscoring the importance of those issues in relation to men (such as Dr. Laura stating that men had more to fear from violence then women, as they were attacked more often, and being subsequently villified by feminists.)

Feminism has garnered much criticism for it's methods and statistics, and has been accused of violating it's own edicts. Among parents, mothers are more likely to murder their children then their fathers according to the FBI, yet feminist organizations push that single-parenthood, with maternal custody, is in the best interests of the child. Alternatively, feminist organizations equate any time a rape or domestic violence (female) victim is required to present evidence to prove her claims as "blaming the victim." Feminist organizations want to apply the precautionary principle, accepting the allegation at face value to "protect the victim." Critics counter by stating victims can provide evidence to the courts, and that precautionary principles without checks and balances allow women to exploit the legal system for profit.

Backlash further against feminism can also be found in statements that are misandrist, or hatred of males. Valerie Solonas is one of the most popular, having written a book about killing men. Mary Daly, a theologian who was fired for refusing to admit a male student who was otherwise qualified for her class, also advocated creating a "male-free" paradise. Other misandrists include Robin Morgan, Andrea Dworkin, Gloria Allred, and Catherine MacKinnon.

The family down the street believes in feminism. They believe special treatment that favors men or women is inherently sexist.

Major feminist organizations are not feminists. They believe in gaining special treatments for women and depriving those rights of men. To justify this, they usually use vague statments such as "ignorance of male privlege."
By Lou
An idea that stood for the equality of women and men once (about 30 years ago)but is now just about kicking men in the balls and treating them with extreme bias and unfairness.

"Dude how's your new job at the gas station?"

"It's great. I sure wish feminism hadn't frightened me away from college though."
By Wren
The belief that both genders should be equal by focusing solely on one of them.

By Samantha
The belief in the political, social, and logistic superiority of women to men. Female followers, especially zealots, are known to embark on quests to recruit white knights in the most insidious and covert ways she can imagine. The belief that manual labour and the dirty, dangerous jobs are for men, whom they describe as disposable and inferior.

Feminist: #KillAllMen! Women are the wave of the future! All men are scum and should be disposed for women's benefit and women's only!
Female Detractor: Wow. Feminists sure do hate men. Not my kind of faith at all.
Feminist: Traitor! Feminism is about equality for the genders!
Male Detractor: But you just claimed, seconds ago, that women were superior to men.
By Georgiana
A view that treating men and women equally must involve man-hating given the universality of women hating by men who'd vote for this definition.

If feminism is where women have all the power, why do men have all the Presidency?
By Sacha
a global hate group of sexist women who make up false studies, statistics, and "facts" to promote their man-hate. mostly known for accusing anyone with a dick of being a rapist. and pissing off literally everyone who doesnt blindly follow their cult-like opinions

dude one: "wow that bitch accused you of rape for looking at her tits?"

dude two: "yeah man shes a big feminism talking head, i should be glad she hasnt tried to slander me into prison yet"
By Bethanne
A refuge for charmless women.

Feminism is a great way for charmless women to meet each other.
By Kalindi
Feminism is the belief that equality for both genders may be achieved by focusing on the issues and wants of one of them.

Feminism is considered by some to have become toxic in recent years.
By Blythe
First of all i want to say that most of the entries on feminism are disrespectful and infuriating. The arguement that feminism states that women are better than men was created and is sustained by insecure men who are afraid of patriarchy tumbling down on their priveledged ignorant heads. WAKE UP people and look around you. all those "examples" of brain size, decreased male entry into college, etc are just excuses to either degrade women or only superficially examine the issues of gender equality.

1.)respecting people of all genders (recognizing the diversity in sexuality, from homosexuals, transgendered, heterosexuals and transexuals) as human beings that deserve to be treated with respect.

2.) recognizing the past inequalities that have historically denied women access to many social, economic and political spheres that are mostly occupied by men.

3.)Recognizing the result of these inequalities have lasting impacts today

respecting a person enough to ask their consent before having sex

not seeing a woman as an object but as a human being, this means making eye contact not checking out her body

listening to women (and men of course) respectfully as you would men

if you are a heterosexual straight white male, check your priveledge when talking about equality and recognize other people's experience as valid instead of monopolizing experiences relating to gender equality

feminism is RESPECT
By Jojo
The belief that females should, at the time of belief, be given more power than they currently have. This is regardless of the current male state of power, whether it be at its lowest or highest. Also, both men and women can be feminists.

Note: Feminism is NOT the belief that women and men should be equal, that is known as egalitarianism.

John: Why is Mary a feminist?
Max: she thinks women are better than men.
John: Isn't that sexism?
Max: By her logic, only men can be sexist.
John: so feminism is hating men?
Max: not usually, at least as long as women really are opressed.
By Wendeline