Girl 1: He thread your guitar, helped you tune it and never asked for sex. Never grabbed your ass or said baby
let me hit that. Never got in your face and was always down to just chill. Why didn't you tell him you were in love with him.
Girl 2: Many reasons. I was in a relationship. I find myself beside my self with everything I know in life after meeting him. He seemed out for many chicks and not just one.
Girl 1: I saw him
graze your fingers every time he handed you something. WTF was that.
Girl 2: IDK
flirtation prob. The ways of men.
Girl 1:
Arn't you going to act on it?
Girl 2: No I would rather he said something about it first. It's better to know I'm not just finding wrong conclusions over it girl. Too much drama involved in relationships. But I'm all twanglled up about it right now. Our lives are so different. Besides He's gone now. We never even
speak now that we don't live by one another.