Define Flirtatious Meaning

an adverb that describes people who are being inhibitly flirty with the people around them, making passes at anything that moves.

Chris is disgustingly flirtatious, even around other guys.
By Imogen
S. Tamse ; an adjective that describes people who are being inhibitly flirty with the people around them, making passes at anything that moves especially when at proctoring station or in the library.

Girl to proctor: You're still here
while swiping ID replies
Proctor: Yes, I have been waiting for you....
and gives her a devastating smile :)

Friend looks over at him: You are soooooo flirtatious
By Carolan
Flirtatious Side
a side hoe that isn't really a side hoe but you flirt heavily from time to time and for most isn't even considered cheating

Person 1: You got a side hoe
Person 2: not really man, but I got a flirtatious side. I'm not even really cheating
By Tricia
Flirtatious Sweet Asshole
Someone who is such an ass hole, that anyone who hears the way he talks to women, wants to punch him in the face. yet he is also the biggest sweet heart in the world! and uses it to his advantage to flirt with a bunch of women at one time but rarely succeeds.

By Lura
Flirtatious Ones
Someone who flirts with everyone regardless of what sex. Can be male or female and unconsciously flirts with everyone. Ends of breaking people's heart because of unintentional flirting.

Person 1: Gosh he so flirty with me!
Person 2: Yep and to the rest of the population. Be careful, he's one of the Flirtatious Ones.
By Bernadene