Also see
procreation, sexual intercourse, breeding.
The infamous name of a village in Austria. Visitors from other countries (and especially the English speakers) are known to get into trouble for stealing the signs (why they try it, I don't know.). The name comes from the name of it's alleged founder, "Focko", and the Germanic suffix "ing" (meaning "people of"). The word has no visible links to the English word, but the locals know by now exactly what it means in English, and are quite embarrassed by it.
the town's name is the phrase "Please -
Not So Fast!"
Fucking, Austria, conveniently located an hour from the German town of Petting. I recommend going there first.
Other fun places to go to:
* Gropecunt Lane (London, England)
* Bastard (Norway)
* Beaver (Oklahoma, USA)
Beaver Head (Idaho, USA)
* Bell End near
Lickey End (Wales, UK) *
* Bird-in-Hand (Pennsylvania, USA)
* Big Knob (Kentucky, USA)
* Big Ugly (West Virginia)
* Black Charlie's Opening (Australia)
* Blue Ball, near Intercourse (Pennsylvania, USA)
* Brown Willy (Cornwall,UK)
Chinaman's Knob (Australia)
* Climax (Colorado, USA)
* Cockburn (Australia)
* Cooter (Missouri, USA)
* Cunt (Spain)
* Lickey End (West Midlands, UK)
* Knob Lick (Missouri, USA)
* Muff (Northern Ireland) (famous for "Muff Diving")
* Twatt (Orkney, Scotland)
* Pis Pis River (Nicaragua)
* Phuket (Thailand)
Prickwillow (England)
* Pussy Creak (Ireland)
* Seaman (Ohio, USA)
* Pound and Beaver (5 miles apart in NE Wisconsin, USA)
* Sexmoan (Luzon, Philippines)
* Shag Island (Indian Ocean)
* Titting (Germany)
Tittybong (Australia)
* Titty Ho (England)
* Wank (Germany)
* Wanker's Corner (Oregon USA)
* Wankie (Zimbabwe)
Wet Beaver Creek (Australia)
* Wetwang (East Yorkshire, UK)
* Wideopen (Newcastle UK)
* Willey (Herefordshire, UK)