Define Gigs Meaning

to have rythm in dance, to be able to dance and excel in it.

By Sonny

likes to do favors for people that are cooler than him

often mistaken for a friend of shark

hey dont pull a gigs on shark!
hey whats french hw gigs?
noidhow likes to pull a gigs on his toig, horse
By Lyndsie
gay in gay sex, usually said among male best friends who have girlfriends. a feature of bromance, cause of real concern for girlfriends. must be nipped in the bud. another feature is attending quizes together.

hey shane, wanna go to a gig

ya, i love gigs
By Bryn
Gigged On
defeated an opponent in a way that's just embarrassing. Shaq used to describe besting opponents, such as Manute Bol, as "giggin' on 'em" during his rap career.

How was your soccer match?

We were tied at one goal a piece until about the fiftieth minute, and then we gigged on 'em, and won, like, five-one.

That's the tits.
By Robin
A live performance, either musical, theatrical, or physical.

By Velma
The Gig
The process of bending over and loosening your sphincter so that air enters your colon, and when the most air possible is in, blowing it out in an explosive fart (odorless and fun). If gigger has not been to the bathroom to do number 2 recently, he might be embarrassed when pellets of shit come out when gigging.

Nathan man do The Gig, but watch out for them pellets.
By Berte
1. A job, usually in the entertainment injustry.
2. An abbreviated form of "gigabyte."
3. A verb meaning to use a spear-like implement to stab into a small animal such as a fish or frog.

1. For a day gig I do editing for the Food Channel.
2. I have a 60-gig drive you can borrow.
3. My cousin and I went out frog gigging last night.
By Hana
A word originally from the Bay Area used heavily by Mac Dre, now used in the Central Valley that can literally mean anything; dancing, eating, partying, drinking, drugs, working out, etc.

"Bro you going to Ashley's gig tonight??"
"You wanna go gig on some pizza right now?"
"I gigged way too hard at the gym I'm so sore bruh"

"Ayyy she was giggin last night!"
"Go grab a 12 we'll just gig here at the pad"
By Melissa
Job, usually referring to the music and entertainment industry. Can also apply to contract work in the IT and computer field . Any temporary or incidental employment.

I start a new gig this Friday playing guitar at the blue's club.

I just got a gig as assistant director on a feature film.
By Virgina

Look at those gigs he's wearing.
By Jasmine