Define Got With Meaning

Got With
to hook-up with or make out with another individual

-Dude sam totally got with that chick this weekend
By Marlena
Got Got
were taken advantage of; were fleeced; were mugged

Dem niggaz got got at the swap meet!
By Myrtie
Got Got

Yo, That guy who sells crack got got by the POPO
By Lidia
Got Gotted
To be taken advantage of, swindled, finessed, or styled on.

Ex 1
person 1:"wow how much did you pay for this shitty ass oregano weed?"

person 2:"$50 for a gram"

person1: "wow you got gotted"

Ex 2

*lands MLG 360 no scope in comp*

By Corinna
Used instead of "getting wrecked" for comic purposes (refer to MagikarpUsedFly) during a League of Legends game.

"Did you see that play? He absolutely got gotted!"
By Kitti
When a league of legends player kills an enemy champion using Gangplank
MagikarpUsedFly Reference

03:01MagikarpUsedFly(Gangplank) has slain ggeznoob(Yasuo) for a penta kill
03:02MagikarpUsedFly(Gangplank): Gotted
By Michaella
Got That
A drug dealer's way of letting you know that they are selling.

By Cybil
Got That

u: how many cans should i buy yo?
ur mom: 5, ok?
u: got that.
By Rori
The act of buying or otherwise collecting stuff.

Hey Wendy, the credit card bill indicates some great gotting last month.
By Janaye
Short for 'Game of Thrones', an HBO show based on the epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin.

Holy shit, can you believe what happened on last night's GoT?
By Abigail