Define Grammar Meaning

Something that people on the internet are incapable of learning.

'omg liek you suk you n00b'
'Ever heard of spelling?'
By Tamera
1. a universally accepted form of writing or speaking that appropriately conveys a person's thoughts so that others may understand it.

2. a dying art.

3. not something that is readily experienced while surfing the Internet.

4. something that 99% of people in the world have no concept of.

5. a form of writing or speaking which is hard to learn and hence is ignored by the general populous.

6. a knowledge which is deeply rewarding, although not deemed important or crucial by small people.

'They're dog ways alot.' - bad grammar
By Georgina
Something that has not been adequately defined by some other definitions; refers to the rules used to combine words together in order to form meaning within a given language.

"i don liek u becoz u suck"==grammatically correct, despite spelling shortcuts and the lack of capitalization/punctuation. These are mechanical/technical errors.

"She go to house red last Saturday."==despite perfect mechanics, this is not grammatically correct, due to a tense mismatch (needs to be past tense, verb misinflection (should be "she goes"), missing article ("the" or "a"), and adjective-noun word order reversal.

Bad grammare n spelung aint not impotrent in a essay.
By Jojo
Something people should be forced to learn, even if they are stupid. It is also something that makes people on-line think you are a stuck up bastard.

Me: Please, stop embarassing yourself.
Random Person On-line: u stukc uop basterd
By Felisha
One of the most important language tools available. It is largely ignored by those too moronic to use it properly.


Wrong: There not feeling good cause Stacy and me didnt come.

Right: They're not feeling good because Stacy and I didn't come.
By Anni
Along with spelling, a construct unfortunately in short supply amongst web-based communiques.

A rapid survey of any definition group on this site will disclose a monstrous paucity of grammar.
By Jo Ann
(1) To a linguist, grammar is the structure of a language (as opposed to its lexicon, its words). Contrary to popular opinion, grammar is not something enforced by language academies, but it exists necessarily in all languages.

(2) To a non-linguist, grammar usually refers to various pre-scientific notions of "correct" usage.

Chinese grammar is very different from English.
By Gretel
A dead language. Often mocked and misunderstood by morons who learned it in second grade and abandoned it.

Scholar: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
Moron on computer: "omg u spk w/ gramr?!?!?!?!?! i thot no1 uzd it ne more!!!! wat do u uze it 4? y du u evn bothr? cuz leik no1 lieks 2 uz it cuz they r all dum!!@!! omgrotflmaocmailsxljjca2838ac83oacsmiley facecaz,s94u88447#$&@!!!!!!"
By Frank
Something that should be learnt properly before being allowed access to word definitions on Urban Dictionary. I'm sick of misused punctuation, missing capital letters and lazy spelling. If I had a red pen right now...

"Lyk do u giez no how 2 punktooate coz mie teecher says i suk @ it"
"Get out."
By Cassandry
Something Tanner Barthelete doesn't have.

How do you spell realize? "Guys, I have good grammar.
By Lorenza