Define Haha Meaning

The quickest way to pretend that you're interested and also a reason for you to close his or her IM box.

johnnyboy:Hey Janet, I was at the mall today and I saw this really cool shirt that said "I'm a punk rocker" and I thought of you.

Janet124: haha

johnnyboy: =D hehe ya know?

Janet124 Signed Off..
By Matilda
Short quick way of letting somebody know you are laughing, most likely at them.

You failed your exam? Haha, er, that's too bad...
By Mattie
A form of expressing laughter when oral expression is not available, like on the internet.

Hah - The person thinks a comment is mildly funny.

Haha - The person does not think the comment is funny, but acknowledges your attempt humor.

Hahaha - the person thinks the comment is funnier than average, or is just more enthusiastic than those who normally say haha.

Hahahaha - The person is just being excessive. Usually used to strengthen a friendship because an inside joke was just mentioned.

Haha is almost never used to express actual laughter occuring. For those circumstances, rofl, lmao, or a whole sentence about how the comment actually made one laugh is used.
By Trudey

Old man: haha
Young nerd: lol
By Orelle
used by nelson in the simpsons in many of circumstances

bart: the burgular even stole my stamp collection
lisa: you had a stamp collection??
(rest of family laughs)

(phone rings) nelson: stamp collection? haha!!
By Katina

person1: I made a really good sandwich yesterday.

person2: "haha"
By Ag

I am laughing at you.
By Jourdan
an over-used phrase on AIM.

screenname1: omg he is so cute.
screenname2: haha.

see... no need to laugh.
By Eartha
Something one says when one finds something funny.

"Haha" She said, after I told her a joke.
By Idalia
Definition 1:
Haha - used to express laughter anywhere you can't say it, for example IM, instant messaging or via email.

The minor difference between haha and hehe is that haha is often used when laughing at someone, while hehe is used while laughing with someone. It might be unconcious to most people, but it's true.

Definition 2:
Ha-ha - when haha is pronounced like 'Ha-ha', it often expresses that one do not find something humourous; ironic.

I also found some pretty random ancronyms for haha online:

Having A Heart Attack
Houston Area Hound Association (Texas)
Human-Anti-Humanized Antibodies (immunogenicity testing assay)

Example 1 (haha): You don't know who Shakespeare was? Haha!
Example 2 (ha-ha): Ha-ha, how funny!
Example 3 (hehe): Hehe, you're so funny!
By Harrietta