Define Hang Out Meaning

Hang Out
Less serious than getting together or dating. Spending time with someone in the context of friendship or in the context of casually exploring whether you like someone as just a friend or maybe more than a friend.

I'm gonna hang out with my best friend this weekend. We should hang out some time.
By Kandace
Hang Out
verb (informal)
to socialize with in public

Comes from the formal meaning of "hang out": to protrude or stick out. Hence, the use of "out" for public. Not to be confused with "hang with", which is an umbrella term that includes socializing publicly or privately.

Friend: "Dude, you never hang out with me anymore."
You: "Not true: even though I don't get out of my house much, I still socialize with you on Facebook, which can be seen by other people."
Friend: "Touché."
By Roanna
Hang Out
anything from eating and sleeping to riding bikes and playing football

By Latrina
Hang Out
According to Aileen Ward's biography of John Keats (English poet (1795-1821), who took an interest in English slang of the day, "hanging out" connoted "stopping at a tavern," i.e. spending time drinking, which fully comports with the modern sense of the slang expression. This indicates that the phrase was current in London in 1816 at the latest!

"Hey, Keats, man: Byron and some of the other poetic dudes are planning to hang out at Jack Straws before we go to sup. Like to join us?"
By Danyette
Hang Out
To have casual sex, usually implying with someone on the regular.

Is that what the kids are calling it these days? Hanging out?
By Maggie
Hang Out
usually referred to chillen wit ones friends but also can be used as code in front of ones parents to mean "lets get messed up tonight"

hey.. u wanna "hang out" or just chill?
By Hermione
Hang Out
code word for "lets go out!" or "were bf and gf cuz were hanging out"

Me and my girl are going to hang out together.Translation me and my girl are going on a date. Me and her are going to hang out at my place = me and her are going to do it at my house.
By Ronna
Hang Out
To dry ones clothes and other linen by means of naturally occurring wind currents, usually via a line or a cord transfixed to a hook that is usually on a pole, but can also be attatched to a hook or fixture on the wall of a building.

Mark went to hang out his clothes to dry, cuz he don't have a maytag dryer. What a cheap-ass!
By Remy
Hang Out
a phrase that, during the nationwide quarantine of 2020, lost all meaning. it previously described a group of friends gathered together in physical space to enjoy pass time enjoyably. since that's basically illegal these days, it now refers to the act of killing time and boredom with another person via the internet.

Let's hang out tonight. Since we can't meet in person, maybe we could get together on Zoom and debate inane nonsense.
By Carlota
Hang Out
Code for getting together to have sex, especially among gay and bisexual men.

"We should definitely hang out again soon." --email I received from a trick.
By Bibi