Define Hayley Meaning

a girl with a great personality , pretty ,, abit on the crazy side ,, but a girl we all love

Hey, whats your new gf called
Chloe,, but i wish she was a hayley
By Gloriane
a girl who is loved by everyone. a very hot girl that all guys would love to fuck. and would envy any guys with her. a nice ass and alright boobs. she's got a pretty banging body. and beautiful eyes that anyone could stare into.the most beautiful thing you could ever see. get at a hayley. and you'll know what i mean ;)

john:who is that?
nick:thats hayley
john:damn lettme get some of that!
By Randy
3:sexy ass
4:not fat
5:wayy sexy
6:fun and crazy

hayley: omgsh ges what?

some hoe: what?

hayley: im totally going out with that hawt new guy

some hoe: are you seriuos?hes only been here for 2 days!

hayley: mhm,so what he was at my house last night,so was bryan!!

some hoe: omgsh you slutt bryan has a girlfriend!!

hayley: not anyy moree ; but me n him are just friends..with benifits ;
By Jordana
a stupid ass hoe that you should never trust. Don't be friends with this bitch.

did you hear how much of a bitch hayleys being today?
By Brittne
shes a gangsta girl with a mind of her own and she is always the life of the part cause she can make anyone laugh

dd you see hayley at that party?
yes she was imposible to miss.
By Katti
A perfect blonde and blue eyed girl who has long hair and beautiful eyes. She is easy to love with all her gorgeousness and popularity. Everybody loves a hayley and wants to live just like them. even be a hayley! they love animals and are nice to everybody if they are nice to them. they aren't afraid to get down and dirty and will throw a punch if needed.

person1) whoa do i see her?!
person2) shes such a hayley.
person1) shes a perfectly, beautiful girl in every way!
By Agneta
hayley is a cute but HOT brunette with browny green eyes. she is always the most beautiful girl in the room but she thinks she isn’t. so make sure to give her compliments.

girls are jealous of her and guys want her. if you are lucky enough to date hayley then do not let her go! you are a very lucky guy and many guys will be jealous of you.

she usually goes for a guy who she is friends with first instead of jumping straight into a relationship so if you want a chance with a hayley, be friends first

she is the most loyal girl you will ever meet and you can trust her with anything. she’s always down to have a good time and get up to no good.

she is sooo nice but devilish at the same time, she’s the definition of perfection.

guy 1- is that hayley over there?!
guy 2- yup
guy 1- holy shit she’s gorgeous

guy 2- back off she’s mine

guy 3- woah woah woah!
guy 4- she’s mine!!
By Mead
a girl, usually, who is freaking gorgeous. like, a stunner. she’s friends with everyone and always seems super nice. she’ll make you feel warm and weldon no matter who you are. well, most of the time. if she can use you then she will. if you’re leaning on her because you have nobody else, she will make you feel trapped, she’ll make you feel like shit every goddamn day. she picks on your insecurities. BUT, she’s not all bad. if you’re confident and assertive then she’ll treat you like a queen. if you test her well then she’ll treat you well.

timothy: did you see hayley? she’s so beautiful.

kath: maybe, but she’s also a massive bitch.

timmy boy: that’s just cuz you’re lonely.

math: what?
By Lesley
hayley is the most caring and beautiful person ever. she can be a lot a times but its worth it. don't get on her bad side, she doesn't tolerate bs. if you have a hayley in your life, keep her.

"yo tha girl is so beautiful"
yeah her name is hayley"
By Meggie
hayley is a gorgeous girl. she has a big booty and breast. she is extremly outgoing and enjoys being arohnd her friends.

she can be a big b*tch at times, but only if you deserve it. she will always stick up for her friends, and will necer let anyone down.
everyone is jealous of how skinny she is. she can run for ages and is amazing at any sport she does .

josh- “woah whos that girl over there?”
martin- “ thats hayley! how good is her ass?”
By Dyanna