Define Healthcare Meaning

A fundamental human right. Only stupid people (Republicans) disagree with this.

Healthcare should be free, because people should not have to pay to get their life-saving cancer treatment.
By Christean

Meet me in the bathroom for some healthcare.

An orgy is healthcare for everyone.

In order to get his job, Dan gave his interviewer some healthcare.

Some people don't agree with Obama's stance on healthcare.
By Codee
Healthcare Bill
A completely unconstitutional bill that gives the government the power to mandate that you must have health insurance or else. Government run healthcare is, in fact, a tenant of socialism, and will help to bankrupt any nation. This bill was passed using backroom deals and bribery. This bill is unconstitutional because nowhere in the Constitution is the government given the power to tell us to purchase something. The Constitution states that all powers not explicitly delegated to the federal government are given to the States and the People. If the government was to get their slimy hands out of healthcare, the prices would go down, as proven time and time again with other commodities.

Man, now I have to spend all this money on health insurance because of the Healthcare bill when I can barely pay my bills in the first place! Is the government trying to ruin me???
By Farrand
Universal Healthcare
A system for providing medical attention to people, of which Americans have absolutely noe experience, knowledge or understandig of. Yet they have a million strong, gut wrenching opinions about it.

American: "Hey i dont want your "socialiced medicine" system in my country! I am an expert on national healtcare systems. Insurance companies are the Gods of knowledge and all scientists are retards and Universal Healthcare is communism.

European: "Ok.. whatever... I'll go and have my free MRI tomorrow, and take my kids to the doctor for the annual free check."
By Lind
Healthcare Ignoramus
Any American person who likes to attend town hall meetings to "discuss" the healthcare reform debates when they have no clue as to what they are fighting for or against.

These people are usually 1 or more of the following:
1) Senior Citizens
2) Republicans
3) Uneducated

In a town hall meeting help by Rep. Robert Inglis

Healthcare Ignoramus: "Keep you goddamn government hands off my medicare!!!"

Inglis: "Actually sir, your healthcare is being provided by the government"

Healthcare Ignoramus: o.0
By Chelsea
Universal Healthcare
A system under which healthcare costs are shared throughout the community, rather than being dumped on one person. Has a couple of big advantages: first, checkups and tests, even advanced ones like MRIs, become much more affordable and more convenient when you don't need to involve the insurance companies. This lets people catch and treat problems earlier, making things cheaper and easier all around. Second, the overall cost for procedures is cheaper.

Under the US's private insurance system:
Dental work, $2000
Ingrown toenail surgery, $200

Under Japan's universal healthcare system:
Dental work, $160 upfront
Ingrown toenail surgery, $14 upfront

You're telling me that instead of contributing a bit to a group pot, you want to pay obscene amounts of money to a guy who might pay SOME of your bills if you get hurt... if he feels like it, and decides it's worthwhile? Whatever, man. Whatever.
By Katerina
Healthcare Bill

the healthcare bill is wast of money
By Jade
Universal Healthcare
A system for providing medical attention to people, of which Americans have absolutely noe experience, knowledge or understandig of. Yet they have a million strong, gut wrenching opinions about it.

American: "Hey i dont want your "socialiced medicine" system in my country! I am an expert on national healtcare systems. Insurance companies are the Gods of knowledge and all scientists are retards and Universal Healthcare is communism.

European: "Ok.. whatever... I'll go and have my free MRI tomorrow, and take my kids to the doctor for the annual free check."
By Nerissa
Universal Healthcare
A system by which health care is available to all citizens of a country irrespective of their ability to pay.

Sometimes called "socialized medicine" it in fact can be provided using a combination of the public and private sector, compulsory insurance with assistance for those who can not afford it, a system funded entirely by taxes, or both.

The USA is the only developed country not to implement universal health care. The current system is very expensive and inefficient, people in the USA pay more than anyone for health care in the first world yet receive treatment on par with third world countries.

French Man 1: You hear ze americans have no "universal healthcare".
French Man 2: Hoh hoh hoh hoh hoh.
French Man 1: Hoh hoh hoh hoh hoh.

And so it goes on.
By Anita
Free Healthcare
Something only Europeans can afford

American Friend:I think I twisted my ankle.
Me: Thank god I live in Europe and I can just go to hospital and get free healthcare.
AF: Damn I wish that was in USA
By Freddi