Define Hear Meaning

To understand in terms of relating with the statement. To feel.

Man, I'm so tired!
I hear you, bud. We worked out pretty-hard today!
By Sammy

By Holli
Hear Hear
From The correct term is, "hear, hear!" It is an abbreviation for "hear, all ye good people, hear what this brilliant and eloquent speaker has to say!"

Of course, if the speaker is actually asking a question. "and just where do you think we should open the new strip club?" it's not hard to imagine that at least one yahoo in attendance might yell, "here, here!" But this would be the exception that proves the rule.

the example is above
By Anne
Hear, Hear
When somebody hears a person says a thing right spot on, to the point, the one they agree with.

... because nobody could call *that* Defence Against the Dark Arts"
('Hear, hear', said Anthony Goldstein...
By Ora
it is a kind of meeting, organized by the government before making a decision.In general, some related public are informed to attend the hearings to discuss the affairs and provide their suggestions. and after the hearings, the authority make a decision.

for example,if the goverment decide to raise the price of the taxi, it is essential to hold hearings.
By Joey
Hear Hear
An archaic expression used by some pompous douche-bag to sound fancy.

Usually used by pseudointellectuals who have nothing better to say and are merely trying to sound grand and majestic.

People who seriously said "hear hear" are dead since three hundred years. The ones using it today fancy themselves classy and clever, but only come off as arrogant, pretentious, and shallow.

"Hear hear" exclaimed Richard the Third!
"hear hear" said some pretentious twenty-first-century faggot
By Juanita
Hear Ye Hear Ye
A pronouncement before an announcement. Usually loud and gets people's attention. A call often heard at the Renaissance Festival.

Hear Ye Hear Ye! I'm gonna go medieval on that rat tonight.
By Adina
Visibly Hear

By Shelba
You'll Hear It
Phrase said by experienced musicians to a newbie just joining the band for the first time. Also common in jazz improvisation situations. This phrase may be said at rehearsal time OR when playing live.

Puzzled new musician:
"So how was that line over the 3/4 bar in the B section?"

Band member:
"Don't worry, just keep up with us, you'll hear it".
By Luci
Fake Hearing
A term utilized in an attempt to discredit whatever may come to light in a hearing that has the potential to blow the lid off something illegal.

You are a liar Mr. Cohen and this is a fake hearing; that you were lying for the US President for ten years is a small matter indeed.
By Phyllys