You are "hearded" if you purchase a vehicle from a car dealer, then the dealer decides they don't like the deal and steals the car right out of your driveway.
My mom got a great deal on a 2003 Honda Accord, but then the dealer realized that someone else would pay $100 more for the same car, so my mom got hearded.
By Etheline
Heard It
A phrase used by the MountSaint Mary College Men’s Soccer team. Intended to prove a statement true and to get hoes’ attention.
heard is a very slutty type person who spreads obscene rumors cuz he/she has no life and wants more than anything to have a kid of his/her own so people beleive that someone acctually have sex with him/her, a heard also has fake boobs with stretch marks all over them, and most of the time a heard will have a huge nose.But there is always hope for a heard.